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  1. Devo3d

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    no 82. no email here but it was with my old hotmail address the ED has confirmed somehow swallows email from his shop. So should i email you or what?
  2. Devo3d

    No Emails?

    ahh. my ancient hotmail address strikes. weird never really had any problems before but it fair to say that you'd have more experience with the ins and outs of email providers(being that your shop relies on emails a lot). good to know its a known issue at least. so if i log back in to the...
  3. Devo3d

    No Emails?

    I ordered a gpd xd+ from dragonbox a few months ago. it arrived with no problems. been having a blast with it but the entire time i never received an email from dragonbox. got one from the payment processor and the courier when it shipped. was after the shop was updated so may have fallen...
  4. Devo3d

    Linux Mint screws up dual-boot with WinXP since v17 for me

    not sure but im assuming your xp pc is pre UEFI? probably added something in the bootloader for handling newer UEFI bios boots and screwed up something for those that don't upgrade their pc every five seconds. dunno though thats just speculation on my part.
  5. Devo3d

    WiFi Dongle

    Have you tried connecting it though a powered usb hub? as i understand it your average usb 2.0 device wont work out of the box due to some usb power thing (yeah im not an expert but have seen it enough as a suggestion on the forums for it to be a known quirk of the pandora)
  6. Devo3d

    [Cancelled] Aluminium cases are NOT being made!

    neat . might want to change the thread title though, though this was the other thread for a minute, also will probably order one of these soon.
  7. Devo3d

    Aluminium Case - Pictures

    ill be honest i'm interested in getting one of these but id like to know what the return process for the case upgrade would be like? im in australia here so the postage would be brutal but i definitely don't have the skills to take apart a pandora and put it back together right though. i imagine...
  8. Devo3d

    Introducing the DEF's Pack kernel chooser.

    i think the idea is that you can switch out multplie kernels easier. allowing those who can build kernels to build custom kernels without bloat and/or extra features. pity we can't get some newer kernel but i'll applaud it nonetheless. well done sir. giving it a go now.
  9. Devo3d

    Pandora has stopped turning on, and some emulator issues (Split from other topic)

    (brightness) Function + I press several times that is assuming somehow you lowered the brightness too low for the other issue(the more serious one) you might have drained the battery. try charging for an hour.then check for brightness. anything else im at a loss for ideas
  10. Devo3d

    SDXC Card problems

    I'd say it's because it's a class ten card pandora seems to have read/write problems with cards above class 4. At least from what i've seen on the forums. Which dissappoints people who wanted the fastest and best for their pandora but i think class 4 is as good as the cards slots in the pandora...
  11. Devo3d

    Australia's classification board

    oh yeah these guys are bandwagon joiners. they did the same thing after hot coffee mod. it's like whoever its ultimately up to just goes whatever other countries are doing + whatyever media says = ban. funny though, coz it just means lost sales for australian retailers. any gamer with a...
  12. Devo3d

    one of my sdcards causes MiniMenu to fail spectacularly

    hmm interesting gparted said i had a 4 meg unpartitioned block at the start of the card maybe that was the problem. yep copying off the data and repartitioning seems to have fixed the infinite scan loop problem(seeing as even with no data it was still happening) IN SUMMATION: I don't think...
  13. Devo3d

    one of my sdcards causes MiniMenu to fail spectacularly

    nothing wrong with the card in any other sense. i think something on it is tripping up minimenu
  14. Devo3d

    one of my sdcards causes MiniMenu to fail spectacularly

    one of my sd cards throws my pandora into an infinite loop only stopped by removing the card or the battery. MiniMenu scans the card for pnd artwork fails then scans again.. any ideas?
  15. Devo3d

    How about some more moderators?

    i dunno.. i like the idea of setting a troll loose on the other trolls. and prometheus is definitely a good choice.
  16. Devo3d

    Separate Battery Charger

    damn internets stealing ideas from my brain. seriously though it would be awesome although i think A) it would probably have to be able to charge 2 batteries B) maybe higher capacity batteries first would be a good idea(not that its a slouch now though) still i don't know if its even...
  17. Devo3d

    Nubs Losing Mouse Binding on Desktop?[Solved] easily by prometheus

    thanks prometheus that seems to have fixed it. pretty sure your right about Mupen last time it stopped was after i had to stop mupen after it hung for ages(crashed). must have left nubs in a messy place lol now nub config won't exit hah!
  18. Devo3d

    Nubs Losing Mouse Binding on Desktop?[Solved] easily by prometheus

    New pandora owner here (for about a week now). Twice now i've lost nub control (Non Responsive) but only on the desktop (it still shows as active in input tester). A reflash fixes it but to be honest im pretty sure im just managing to bork a script that binds the nubs to mouse control on...
  19. Devo3d

    Can We Still Order A Pandora ?

    you've got to send the mail to: if you just reply to the mail you got sent( probably won't get a reply. not sure why that is. But i just replied and that didn't work. so i sent another email to sales and that did. hope that helps.