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  1. K

    Escape 3D [Demo]

    @imerion: Good points - I'll add camera rotation to the next version. I'll also adjust the speed and acceleration. Actually, I'll add those variables to the level config file... @mnm: Thanks for the feedback - I'll add music and sounds once I have the basic game finished. I just haven't had any...
  2. K

    Escape 3D [Demo]

    Hey guys, been working on a side-project and I finally have something to show - it's a ball-platformer-puzzle game. The idea was to make something to show off the G-sensor on the Caanoo, but I haven't quite reached that point yet. Instead, here's a Wiz build (the Caanoo version isn't too far...
  3. K

    Origami Golf

    @imerion: Thanks for testing, the Wiz version I sent Peter actually has a bug that prevents it from loading the level. I've emailed him a new version that fixes this and includes other improvements. He'll probably put up a link tomorrow sometime. Please check it out when he does, I think it's...
  4. K

    Comic Reader!

    Hi all, I've been thinking about making a comic reader for the Wiz/Caanoo - what kind of formats are you interested in? Ordinary JPG,GIF,PNG or specialized comic formats? Cheers Kurt
  5. K

    Origami Golf

    That being said, per Peter's request I tested with a greater FOV (from 65 -> 75) and you can now see the tree ^_^ I'll post a screenshot either later tonight or tomorrow morning.
  6. K

    Origami Golf

    @crow_riot: Thanks, that's EXACTLY what we're looking for: 1. There are still a few optimizations that need to be done - but fear not, the game will run at a constant 30FPS in the final release :) I haven't made the level converter generate texture atlases yet so there's still a few too many...
  7. K

    Origami Golf

    @AJack: Thanks for positive comment :) Remember guys and gals, we don't want just positive comments - if there's anything constructively negative you have to say about the game, please feel free to post it...
  8. K

    Origami Golf

    @jph_iterationGAMES: Nope, no Unity involved here - this uses my own engine and Peter's amazing art skills :)
  9. K

    Origami Golf

    @Peter: Are you a lefty like me? @Torpor: Can we have that in writing please? :) @everyone: I've started making the changes Peter requested. Things are looking good and the changes are going quite smoothly. An update is looking likely for Wednesday. Stay tuned.
  10. K

    Minigolf Game - Devlog

    @joyrider: Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated. The joys of physics-based games I tell ya :P We're working on the interface and controls at the moment. Peter's highlighted some very important improvements that need to be made. Look for a new demo sometime later this week....
  11. K

    Minigolf Game - Devlog

    @SiENcE: Thanks, we'll hopefully have more updates here soon...
  12. K

    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Game Engine

    @SiENcE: There's no engine test at the moment. We are developing a game with the engine though, so that should show you some of the capabilities: Also, the engine is closed source as it will be used for...
  13. K

    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Game Engine

    @traylorpark: A beer would've been nice right now :)
  14. K

    Minigolf Game - Devlog

    Just to add to what Peter said regarding the controls: L+R - exit Select - toggle free look mode (this will be required for future stages, where you need to explore the map) X,Y - move forward and back in free look mode A,B - move up and down in free look mode Menu - take a screenshot (this...
  15. K

    Minigolf Game - Devlog

    We're back in business folks, I just managed to build and test the demo on my Caanoo. Works a treat. Waiting to hear back from Peter now. Watch this space...
  16. K

    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Game Engine

    FINALLY. Got a working Linux toolchain. Managed to get it building through Codeblocks running on Ubuntu running in VirtualBox. Awesome :)
  17. K

    Compiling Under Windows

    Thanks for the effort joyrider, I was at about the same point as you when I gave up. Think I'll just run a Linux image in VMWare...
  18. K

    Compiling Under Windows

    @joyrider: Yup, I did all that already but just can't seem to get the bloody thing to work. Setting up the Wiz was a breeze, but I want to port my game engine over to the Caanoo now and this is incredibly annoying. If you *do* manage to sort something out, please post a short guide here? I'm...
  19. K

    Compiling Under Windows

    Hey everyone, has anyone managed to compile code that uses DGE on Codeblocks under Windows? Cheers Kurt
  20. K

    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Game Engine

    @traylorpark: Meh, I still haven't gotten around to compiling on Linux. I will though. Soon.