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  1. W

    How to cancel my order

    Hello! I really love the Open Pandora project, and wish I were able to keep on waiting for the device. However, due to unforseen circumstances (unemployment) I need my money back more than I need the device. Is there any way to cancel my preorder and get the funds returned? Thanks in advance...
  2. W

    Regretfully Cancelling my Order -- Who do I email?

    If I were getting a device purely for gaming I would keep my order, however gaming is only one of the features I'm looking for. Youtube capibility, and note-taking also factor into the decision. As a small, all-around pc, the pandora is a great option, but Android is becoming so well supported...
  3. W

    Regretfully Cancelling my Order -- Who do I email?

    It's faster than a lot of phones out there now, but with NVidea's Kal-El being released, and rumours of the Eee Pad Transformer 2 coming in October, this would be a low-end device for a mid-end price. That said, I still love the device. If I come up with enough money to afford one later, I may...
  4. W

    Regretfully Cancelling my Order -- Who do I email?

    Well, I'm sorry to say that enough is enough. I've waited two years for this device to come to fruition (shorter than some of you, I know), and it's simply taken too long. Although the form factor has yet to be matched, the specs are simply too low for me to justify the cost. That said, I'm...
  5. W

    JMonkeyEngine -- Port?

    A useful game making tool for us Java developers. I don't know if it's possible to port, but if it is I would love to see it happen.
  6. W

    Coding in Java

    I am a Java developer (admittedly a rather new one), and I would like to code on the go. So basically, is this possible with a full-on IDE, or do I have to use something like gedit and then just javac everything?
  7. W

    Frontend Idea and Questions

    Oh, great, apparently I'm the only person who'd like one. xD.
  8. W

    What OS do you use?

    I dual boot Windows 7 (for work and for gaming) and Fedora 14 (for programming and for office style work). Personally, I'm waiting for some alternate operating systems, like JNode and Haiku, to actually become usable.
  9. W

    Cross Compatibility

    After seeing this board, I decided to look into the BennuGD language, and have decided I really like it. However, how compatible is it from platform to platform?
  10. W

    Advices for cross-platform dev.

    Normally, Java is the go-to choice for cross compatibility, but if you want it on the Pandora that's a stretch
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    Yeah, for everyone reporting obscenely slow framerates, try running it on something with Snow Leopard or Windows, Sun Java is terrible on Linux, although I have no clue why.
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    Minecraft, how I hate to love thee. Seriously, as a Java programmer, it baffles me that people would ever use it for games. It's a perfect language for a nice multi-platform GUI, but it's just too slow to even want to use for a game.
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    Skeezix, you are a god among men.
  14. W

    Console Emulators

    Okay, you obviously haven't bothered to look around much, but I'll humour you. Yes, it can emulate consoles, up to about the N64 and Playstation. It already has a GBA emulator, although don't expect one for the NintendoDS.
  15. W

    Aoe On Pandora?

    I know Age of Empires isn't open source, but has anybody ever considered making an open source engine for it that allows you to grab the data files from a real install and play it? Is that even possible with AoE?
  16. W

    Pandora + Sand :o

  17. W

    Pandora + Sand :o

    You did not just say that, did you?
  18. W

    Fix Bowing Lcd Bezel

    This word. I'm not familiar with it. What does it mean?
  19. W

    An Fps Online Game

    I have on my quick-text "I suggest you correct the grammar you use when sending text messages. Failure to do so will make this text the only one that you receive." After about 30 of those, people start using proper English in texts, it's awesome.
  20. W

    I Need A Project

    I haven't seen it yet even. And I would very much like to.