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  1. A

    Doom mods?

    I would think that graphic, sound and map mods would be possible on our current version... u'd have to patch the main Doom WAD file with the PWAD u want to play using something like wintex... only drawback is that u'd have to keep re patching and re loading the 12-15MB file whenever u wanted...
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    Graphically i think GPDoom is as good as we're gonna get (except possibly some tweaking for speed) Next on the agenda should be stuff like adding PWADS (extra levels graphics etc) then we can think about jumping and stuff... but only if u're thinking about porting ZDooM or EDGE then of course...
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    Doom v6 and 3D perhaps :)

    It could also be Quake... It has been suggested that the archemedies version could be easily ported cos all the floating point calcs have already been changed to ones that the GP can understand but then duke3d is probably the most likely to come next
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    GP32 Klik 'n Play or Games factory for GP32!

    SEUCK was also on the Atari ST... and since the Atari was so much like the Amiga both vrsions should be pretty much the same...
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    Bad news For potential GBA SP owners(OT)
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    Scumm-thing's bothering me...

    I've played thru MI1 using the CD version... and as that version had music on the cd, there's no music when u run it on the GP32. however according to the scummvm documentation, the music in MI1 doesn't want to loop, which can be really irritating when i tried playing it on my PC. So in the end...
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    Why hasnt anyone suggested this

    I've found that every console version of lemmings just didn't feel right... PC, Atari or Amiga are probably the best versions... tho control is pretty difficult without a mouse... it was bad enough playing SCUMM games with the gp joystick... wouldn't it be great if the GP had a trackball as...
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    Best game to *show off* gp32?

    jlebrech is probably thinking of "One Must Fall 2097" the best beat em up ever made on any platform! Giant robots beating the crap outta eachother in wonderful arenas with a lot of kick-ass music thumping behind... there's something a lot more satisfying in the clang of metal on metal than a...
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    ScummVM + GP32 compat?

    I think you may have probs with Simon, but i haven't tried it myself. Everything else works fine. The copyprotection on the monkey games will kick you right out. Whereas the floppy version of DOTT has it a lil way into the game (The superbattery plans)
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    monkey island protection

    also u'll need to know how to type in gpSCUMM... check the readme but i'm pretty sure its hold down R and use up and down... once it's cracked you just type random numbers
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    Wind-Ups - kEdit... how do you save?!

    From what i can tell the answer is no to both questions... :( as with most software for the GP it is still in development, and by people who do this off their own back... i hope that a some point we'll get a full PDA style suite... now THAT would make the GP sell! the thing can fit in a shirt...
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    Uplink port?

    What does everyone think of a port of Uplink for the GP? Probably would never happen (small company, wouldn't have time, wouldn't want to release source either) but would this kinda game work on our lil GeePee? or is this just my way of seeing if my fellow GP fanatics like the same games as...
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    The English language Bios..

    I got my GP from and the only korean text i've had is a lil msgbox that pops up as you run a program... what it says is anyones guess but it doesn't affect me at all.
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    How to set up Sam and Max?

    I've just finished going thru DOTT, MI2 and MI1 (in that order) on the GP32 and have had no probs at all :) The best thing to do about the wak a rat thing it to play it thu to that point on the PC then copy your save game across (not tried but that makes some sense right?) besides, i'd think...
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    Spectrum Emu - Kempston Joystick

    What games did you try it on? so far for me out of Saber Wulf, Bobby Bearing, Dizzy2 and Kwik Snax... only dizzy2 doesn't want to use Kempston I hope the next version does key mapping... cos who on earth uses Z,X,N,M in their games????? and fast food is currently unplayable :( acually, does...
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    How do I get Scumm to work?

    Right... you copy your .fxe to gpmm (probably best to use the one that uses a lower clock speed) Then you make a dir for each of your games in a sensible place (i put mine in GAME) and copy the files with the extention 001 or 002 etc... also for speech copy the Monster.SOU file in there aswell...
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    GPSpeccy 0.06

    It's ok... i've found it now... Here
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    GPSpeccy 0.06

    according to here it was released in july last year and has support for cycling around Cursor Keys/QAOPM/ZXMN Space and Kempston input using the R shoulder button...
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    GPSpeccy 0.06

    Can someone tell me where i can d-load the latest version of the speccy emu? the link at gp32emu seems to be dead and everywhere else i've tried only has v.0.05
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    What was the first mp3s you put on your smc?

    Well most of the tracks mentioned so far i've never heard of... but i put on "All the things she said" by TATU!!! Rockin!