Search results

  1. ZeroCorpse

    Wiz For Sale! Includes Accessories. Practically New.

    (Mods - Sorry for double post. Original had un-fixable typo in topic headline, and this was posted for clarity's sake. Feel free to delete or lock the other post: "Gp2X Wix With Accessories For Sale - Like New") I'm selling my like-new Wiz for $130 :wiz: UPDATE: Sold!
  2. ZeroCorpse

    Gp2X Wix With Accessories For Sale - Like New!

    Topic closed due to typo in headline. Mods, please lock or delete topic.
  3. ZeroCorpse

    Dingoo Or Wiz

    I just play Doom on the SNES emulator. For as much as I play it, that's enough. `Controls are tweaked for a a controller, too.
  4. ZeroCorpse

    Dope Wars

    I'd rather see the game it was based on: GAZILLIONAIRE DELUXE. You establish a trading company in a space setting, and you compete with other galactic traders on several planets. It has lots of cool random events and upgrades for your company and ship, but it's a very simple game.
  5. ZeroCorpse

    Did You Get Your Retail Wiz? Post About It Here!

    I kind of ignored the flash games too, but now that I've played them I have to say there's some good stuff there. The Square Tower Defense is really good! The puzzle games are decent, too. Animatch is pretty good, and I found myself playing it for about an hour last night. Give them a shot...
  6. ZeroCorpse

    Is The Linux Boot Up Time Longer Then The Built In Os Boot Up Time?

    I'll admit, this is one place where the Dingoo beats the Wiz hands down. A quick boot is kind of nice. I may still end up getting a Dingoo to go with my Wiz.
  7. ZeroCorpse

    Gp2X Wiz For Sale W/ 4Gb Sd Card And Usb Card Reader

    If you have a bank account, you can set up an marketplace account. They're a lot less stingy about sales, and you'll have a pretty decent audience. When you get paid, they will transfer money right into your bank account, but it does take a few days for it to show up. (I'd offer to...
  8. ZeroCorpse

    The "settings" Menu...

    All it mentions in the manual is the USB Host ability to transfer files. It doesn't say anything about devices. And the tiny section on Auto Run is in broken English, so I really didn't get what it meant. So you're saying it's what we use if we want to use a different menu instead of the...
  9. ZeroCorpse

    The "settings" Menu...

    OK, so I'm wondering about the SETTINGS menu on the Wiz, and I haven't seen this topic covered in either the manual, or any FAQ. It's not even on the wiki. The question? What does everything on the SETTINGS menu do? Auto Run: :blink: I can't tell what it's doing. Any clues? Brightness...
  10. ZeroCorpse

    Gameboy Advance: Gpsp Problem

    Add me to the list that can't get Mario Golf to work. It just loops, going from "pick a character" to a game reset, every time. Bummer, too. That's probably my 2nd-favorite GBA game.
  11. ZeroCorpse

    Best Mame Games For Wiz?

    My oddball arcade favorites, in case anyone cares. ;) Mappy Champion Wrestler Bagman (it's super-hard!) Mat Mania Discs of Tron Sinistar Crazy Climber Qix Phoenix Mr. Do! Magic Sword This is, of course, along with the standards like Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, Asteroids, Missile Command...
  12. ZeroCorpse

    Ac Adapter Woes

    OK. That's good news. I was concerned about causing damage to the Wiz. The people at PlayAsia said I should just get a Euro-to-US adapter, but either way it means I probably spent the money on the official Wiz adapter for no reason, since I've got access to USB-to-AC adapters already (the Kindle...
  13. ZeroCorpse

    Ac Adapter Woes

    OK, so I did something stupid. I ordered an AC adapter for the Wiz from PlayAsia, and didn't notice until after it shipped that it's made for the Euro market, with Euro prongs and voltage. I'm in the United States, so obviously I spent twelve bucks for nothing (unless I want to spend more and...
  14. ZeroCorpse

    Decent Gameboy Emulator Yet?

    Just a thanks for the link to the good version. I had the prior version from the Wiz archive, and then when I updated it was the broken one. Hopefully other Wiz owners are all coming here to get it, since the archive is still linking to a bad version. I don't mind the sound so much... It's not...
  15. ZeroCorpse

    Dosbox Game Test

    I just wanted to pop in and thank Kasumi for his efforts here. This was a nice thing for all of us, and the community owes you for your generous gesture.
  16. ZeroCorpse

    Caanoo / WIZ Velvet Wiz

    Looks good, although I think we all pretty much agree that anything would be better than the native Wiz main menu!
  17. ZeroCorpse

    Has Wiz Development Died?

    I see a lot of people "holding off" in anticipation of Pandora. I picked up the Wiz because I didn't want to wait to get a Pandora, and I want to play NOW. Price-wise, the Pandora's also in a completely different ballpark. A lot of us will stick with the Wiz until Pandora is at the point where...
  18. ZeroCorpse

    Did You Get Your Retail Wiz? Post About It Here!

    Just got mine a couple days ago, and I'm liking it. I've got most of the emus working. NeoGeo is a little rough (hard to select ROMs and get them to play), and a lot of my MAME stuff doesn't show up in the ROM list, but it's otherwise pretty cool. My only gripes are: * Boot-up to main GPH menu...