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  1. D

    Any Official Or Proven Info Of F300?

    I have a wiz, a cannoo but not any earlier models, I've been quite interested in both F200 and F100. I recently ran into a good offer, a GP2X F200, that was what the seller told me, and that was what it looked like in the pictures I got from the seller. I received the machine today, and it...
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    Would It Be Hard To Support Other Languages In Reader?

    Is it possible to get Caanoo support other languages in the built in ebook reader? Or is there any other ebook reader ported to Caanoo that supports customized font files? I noticed that there is a language option in Caanno's official firmware, but unfortunately it seems that this option does...
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    Can I Charge My Caanoo And Wiz With The Same Usb Cable?

    I have a Wiz and just got my Caanoo. The USB cables of the two look the same. But I did a search on google and someone said that they are different. My question is, can I charge the Wiz and Caanoo with the same cable (Wiz's or Caanoo's)? Thanks in advance!
  4. D

    Someone Here Got The Same Problem With Fba2X

    Everytime after exiting a game in FBA2X, the list of games shown will be cut down to around 300 from 600 approx(the number of games avaialble). Then I will get a black screen from exiting the emulator. Someone else here even encoutered the same problem? Is there a solution? Thanks!
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    Cps2Emu 4 Wiz + Capex Problem

    Here's what I did. I converted the cache file with romcnv, and copied the cache file to the cache folder, and the .zip rom file to roms folder. I ran the game using global setting, and here's where it gets stuck, forever ... Loading cache data... Complete Fill cache data... 0% Could...
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    Fba Destroys The Files Because Of Improper Preview Files?

    I would like to apoligize here and take back the words I said below. Though FBA may hang up the system due to the incorrect preview files, the file corruption has been confirmed to be caused by the SD card itself, but not the emulator. I got my 32Gig SD card this morning, and I copied all FBA...
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    Question About Pgm Games On Fba2X

    I came across these lines in the readme file of FBA2X: Beta 7.2: - New supported games: - PGM: - Oriental Legend (orlegend, orlegnde, orlegndc, orld111c, orld105k) (Cache required) - The Killing Blade (killbld, killbldt) (Not working correctly) (Cache required) ...