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  1. M

    Sony Psp2

    Couldn't they just implement the Android Marketplace on it like as an app on their custom OS? Having Android would be trash due to the fragmentation and the bugs it has but just having the marketplace wouldn't be as you'd have access to the thousands of apps it has. If Sony wants to make some...
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    Sony Psp2

    This is what I had been saying about the Pandora. It's WAY too weak, especially with Sony's new PSP coming out. Quad-core processor, Quad-core graphics, dual analog nubs and shoulder buttons along with the X, O, Triangle and Square buttons. This can be an emulation MONSTER and the extra...
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    Do You Think The 3Ds Will Be Able Run Homebrew?

    Something people also are missing is the ease it is to fully crack the system. What makes the new PS3 hack so ironic in a sense is the ease it is to "crack" the system compared to the Wii's crack and the Xbox 360's JTAG crack. Sure you might have to do the power/eject thing single time you...
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    Android Gaming Device By Sony

    First off to those complaining about Android, it's pretty much definite Sony would use some sort of skin that emphasizes on gaming such as a Playstation Network homescreen option or something like that. The reason this might not fail whereas the Mylo did and the N-Gage did is this would most...
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    When Am I Getting My Pandora?

    The thing is that phones get cheaper as time goes by, including unlocked/no contract phones. Two months ago, when the Pandora first shipped, the phones might have been $25-$50 more expensive. Six months from now, today's phones (unlocked/no contract) might be $100 cheaper, or maybe even less...
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    When Am I Getting My Pandora?

    Look, it isn't as much specs as it is specs to price, but specs do make a difference. If people didn't care about specs then people would just buy a Dingoo or Wiz since its far cheaper, already has good emulators, and above all, is currently widely available to purchase. What makes the Pandora...
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    When Am I Getting My Pandora?

    Another thing that I'm not too sure you guys are mentioning is how outdated the hardware is. With phones a third of the size having 1Ghz processors and processors of over 1Ghz coming out later this year to early next year, this hardware is getting extremely outdated and almost to the point of...
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    Do You Think The 3Ds Will Be Able Run Homebrew?

    That's why internet based DRM would be ideal because it's pretty hard to get around the internet. As Xbox Live banning has showed us, unless you want to cut all wireless communication from the device, then Nintendo (or their servers) is going to know what you're doing and could cripple your...
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    Do You Think The 3Ds Will Be Able Run Homebrew?

    First off, I'm not saying the SD card slot "helped" exploit the Wii any more than without one if that's what you're saying. What I'm asking is if you don't think the SD card made the hacking part (putting on custom CIOS and custom channels and such) a heck of a lot easier. How else could you...
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    Do You Think The 3Ds Will Be Able Run Homebrew?

    To my knowledge, the main reason the Wii was hacked so quickly was because of the complete, full hardware backwards compatibility with Gamecube games. Heck, they had the four Gamecube controller ports and memory card slots instead of a USB adapter of sorts which probably would have been simpler...
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    Pmp3100 It looks like a Chinese knockoff of the Dingoo at half the price, $46.50, at Deal Extreme. Of course it only has 2GB of internal memory as supposed to the A320's 4GB but........MICROSD! I just find it ironic how this looks just like a Chinese...
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    Letcool N350Jp

    unless I'm mistaken...NO MINI SD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  13. M

    How Do I Get Out Of This?

    I'd argue with the PSP2 and/or the 3DS. Though Sony is known for their closed-ness in their products, unless it's another PS3 situation, I think the PSP2 will be hacked and fairly quickly for that matter. Nintendo has had little proection to their DS lineup so I think the 3DS won't be as...
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    Shipping On The 4Th?

    Or 4th millennium...or maybe after the 4th ice age? Or maybe the 4th World War, who knows?
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    Pandora Killer Machines

    Have you looked at the Fujitsu Lifebook UH900 MID? It's a bit expensive at $849 with a $100 mail in rebate and a $50 instant rebate and free shipping but the specs are impressive except the battery life of course lol...
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    New Chuwi Game Console?!

    Lookie here! Chuwi released a new game console! And you can buy it here for USD 132.33: I don't know how legit the site is but the one...
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    Anyone Know Anything More About This?

    Are you sure this isn't the "PSP clone" you are thinking of?:
  18. M

    Anyone Know Anything More About This?

    wow...that does look VERY interesting. I would order that in a heartbeat if I knew a bit more about it. It's very cheap and seems to have better specs than the Dingoo! I'm just wondering what the processor is and how well the emulators work. Anyone here order one yet?