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  1. punkysfamily

    New Pics From Mweston

    me to, I would just like to have my pandora so I can use/have fun with it. I don't need perfection I need a pandora <_<
  2. punkysfamily

    New Pics From Mweston

    They were uploaded about 20 minutes ago
  3. punkysfamily

    New Pics From Mweston

    there are some new pics on mweston photobucket account someone else can put the pictures up I'm not sure how to do it the right way link
  4. punkysfamily

    Happy New Year, People!

    man I love Yoo-Hoo but you can't find it on the west coast
  5. punkysfamily

    Craigix's Holiday Message

    I have the exact same hat, i have always enjoyed a good hat
  6. punkysfamily

    New Twitter Pics

    green light :pandora2ut4: a Christmas miracle :D
  7. punkysfamily

    Little Questionnaire

    * 0 media player o 0 personal video o 0 personal audio o 0 house player * 3 game console o 0 simple or logic games o 3 emulated systems o 0 native games * 6 computer companion o 2 internet o 3 work/job...
  8. punkysfamily

    Pandora To Do Confirmation

    I think I am losing my mind everyday I come home from work and read this same thread..deja vu :blink:
  9. punkysfamily

    Devs 4 Mk0

    everyone deserves one , one pandora per child project :rolleyes:
  10. punkysfamily

    Run And Lock As Usaul.

    yes I lost my cool, long day at work and I just wanted to get the latest news on the pandora but again...
  11. punkysfamily

    How's The Weather Where You Are?

    slow news day down to talking about the weather, yup there is nothing to miss here in the pacific north west, cold very very cold :ph34r: < even smiley is wearing a ski mask
  12. punkysfamily

    Run And Lock As Usaul.

    I quietly read these post everyday and rarely post because most of I think is already said, or I SEARCH and find my answers. I never post flamebait but I'm going to break my rule for you gerald1 this is a place for pandora news and opinions, your posting is gone beyond being annoying just SHUT...
  13. punkysfamily

    The Cases

    electronic engineers will revise till the end of time unless the man with money puts his foot down I'll be happy to wait for a few more revisions, although I think most of us would already think its perfect :D
  14. punkysfamily

    Shoulder Buttons And Emulators

    here is my idea for L2 and R2 it would work fine and only put a small hole in the case sorry for the crude drawings done fast at work edit: improved drawing
  15. punkysfamily

    New Pix From Mweston!

    what i think is funny is if we were all in a room together we would probably all get along just fine
  16. punkysfamily

    Surely The Case Moulds Should Be Done By Now ?

    may be we should add a little note at the top of the box you post your reply in that says "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all Please!!" .............and this has been another episode of Pandopera............roll credits
  17. punkysfamily

    Pandora Serial Port Cable

    the same reason you use a laptop instead of a typewriter its cooler and more convenient
  18. punkysfamily

    What Have You Bought While Waiting For Your Pandora?

    i got a dingoo, dingux was a nice distraction a clear case for my ds and psp. but my favorite distraction so far is the arduino duemilanove keeps me quite satisfied to wait. i also bought a bunch of second hand electronics (old printers and clock radios) for parts for arduino projects.
  19. punkysfamily

    Usa Preorderers, Where Do You Live?

    I'm in tacoma WA it's south of seattle i think i'll be the only one in my city with one
  20. punkysfamily

    Is There An App For Adjusting Clock Speed?

    can someone please add a little more information on how to install this