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  1. wiimario

    The One Game You Can't Wait To Play

    Metal slug 3, the best metal slug game ever annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd SUPER MARIO RPG these are my two favourite games
  2. wiimario

    Appstore.. Really?

    why not pandagarage
  3. wiimario

    Glest On The Panda

    :blush: :blush: Yeah I forgot that the panda is using OPENGLES, returning to the thread title,(in terms of power) will be possible?, with recoding I mean...
  4. wiimario

    Estimate Position

    between 3900 and 4000 november 2009
  5. wiimario

    Glest On The Panda

    If I understood right, to compile a program for arm you must only download the code an compile it on an ARM device(with ARM libraries obviously) so when the panda will arrive it'll be simple to port glest, won't it?
  6. wiimario

    Glest On The Panda

    thanks for the quote!
  7. wiimario

    Glest On The Panda

    Well I think that glest coud be amaziong on the panda, what's your opinion?
  8. wiimario

    A Message Of Support

    cases finally arrived and it's time to resurrect this post. if you haven't quote yet it's time to do it. the question is: can we have a pandora on march answer is:
  9. wiimario

    Spoke To The Factory

  10. wiimario

    A Message Of Support

    haha beatiful gimp or photoshop?
  11. wiimario

    A Message Of Support

    hehe, very nice
  12. wiimario

    A Message Of Support

    well, more than 12 months, but it isn't OP team fault, they made a wrong design it's better adjusting it: I prefer wait over a year and then have an unbreakble pandora then waiting one month and, after two days, break the pandora
  13. wiimario

    A Message Of Support

    2 have passed since i was following the project, i've seen ALL pandora videos, but i've preordered only this october. I was waiting this moment (3rd revesion case nearly arrived) that means we're almost get there; but ther's people that continues to write: "and then were are the cases?", "who...
  14. wiimario

    2Nd Review Case Should Arrive Soon.

    Yeah, and next update: 15/2/2010 cases should arrive very soon 4/6/2010 cases are nearly arrived 7/8/2010 cases arrived but they aren't good they'll be sent to china again 1/1/2011 cases will arrive soon 21/12/2012 cases didn't arrived enjoy the end of the wor... LOL LOL LOL LOL
  15. wiimario

    What Games Will People Be Trying First?

    PC doom duke nukem 3d (time to kick asses much more :P :P :P ) quake quake2 quake3 world of padman(if it will be ported) nexuiz (it MUST be ported, not with graphic quality of the original, but...) super tux kart SNES Super mario RPG (who doesn't want to replay this beauty?) starfox final...
  16. wiimario

    Is Anyone Planning To Port Blendder To The Pandora

    well, I'm using maya, and so? :P :P
  17. wiimario

    Is Anyone Planning To Port Blendder To The Pandora

    for the ones who are continuosly talking about rendering: the rendering couldn't be done on the pandora as it can't be done in the n900, blender was meant as a low poly modeller not like maya or 3ds max, so the pandora won't have any problem to run it, second thing: the n900 runs the same arm...
  18. wiimario

    What's The First Film You Will Watch On The Pandora

    Ice age 1 or mister bean's holidays
  19. wiimario

    2009 Year Of The Pandora

    Well, I think that if craig, and the other pandora teams have the pandora, even if they are semi-prototypes, it will pass only a few months before mass prod. will start.
  20. wiimario

    Compiz On Pandora

    No the standard manager is GNOME or KDE