Let's take this hypothetical situation. You have one LiPo battery at 0% charge, one at 50% charge. To charge a battery you have to apply a voltage slightly higher than its discharge voltage. LiPo batteries also explode when overcharged.
Now let's stick these two LiPos in parallel. At one point...
*cancels Pandora order*
*orders Jungle*
Sorry peeps...
Just kidding. What I wonder the most is how that thing is going to play MMOs? There aren't that many that run on Linux natively.
I can't get GTA IV to run at 60fps on my Pandora. It keeps running at ~300% speed and I can't find a way to clip it at 100%. Can you tell me how?
Ball Grid Array soldering is near impossible for humans. The good part is you can always start over if you screw up..You just need to re-apply tin paste on every or some contacts.
This guy's been making these kind of snobby remarks all over the place. I suggest we give him the silence treatment while we play fullspeed PSX/GBA/(S)NES/N64/Sega/Atari/Whatsmore? games on our shiny Pandoras. Neener Neener.
Find me any portable device that has PS2 Emulation and I will get you one for free. Whatever it takes to get rid of you and 'Pandora sucks' remarks...
Oh wait. They don't exist! The Pandora is a *PORTABLE* ARM Linux based opensource handheld more capable than the PSP.
PSX - Possible
PS2 - Are you high?
N64 - Possible
NDS - Might be possible
Gamecube - Really, are you taking ecstacy?
Xbox - No..*twitch*
X360 - No!
PS3 - *erupts in rage*
Wii - *head explodes*
H_2 reacts with OH^- to form water vapour, which is an intense greenhouse gas. Fortunately water comes down in the form of...rain! But ehh..removing OH^- from the atmosphere is considered a bad thing 0_0!
PS. Look up SF_6. It's a great electric...
The amount of Ah is the same as a regular AAA battery except at 9V (Does not last long). Gizmo then proceeds to dump 4V over a linear regulator. So what exactly is the power equivalent? A bit more than 3 AAA batteries connected in series. How long will this last you ask? 15-20 minutes MAX.
You're getting there but not quite.
LEDs are diodes and thus have a very steep resistance decrease at their forward threshold. Not a single LED, not even the ones in the same batch, will have the exact same forward threshold, there is always a margin of error. What this means is that the...
You can power a LED without a resistor but the only reason it's *not blowing up* is due to an internal current limit. And I'd like to remind that I will shoot the first person to suggest putting the LEDs parallel on a single resistor. One fault in any of the LEDs or wires will cause the current...
SMD Led + SMD Resistor + 32 awg wire = Tiny. You would need a resistor(about 1-1.5x the LED size) per LED though. (I will shoot the next person to suggest putting all LEDs in parallel)
Most SMD leds are also wtfomgbbq bright.
But yeah....Keymat isn't transparant.
I started Linux years ago from before GNOME 1.0 (was taught to use W95 and beyond), back then I also had the "Eww, different, BAD!" feeling. Few years back I tried out the modern Ubuntu/Fedora/Mandriva distros that have made me a semi-permanent linux user that loves the command line :) VIM...
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