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  1. L

    Pandora Batch 2: A new hope (2011-07-28)

    Nod. Make sure to pass on what would be needed for startup when you find out. Can likely help. Dan.
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    Pandora Batch 2: A new hope (2011-07-28)

    Ed - How much financing are you looking at needing to green light this? (ie if I showed up with 100K Euros tomorrow, could they start production immediately? Thanks. Dan.
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    Woot - It's here...

    Heh. I've not got anything else pending on that order number, so no fears there. As for how I'm holding off, meetings at work tend to do that for you, plus a side trip off to kids school performance, and since I'm supposed to leave it plugged in, decided not to take it with me to that. Also...
  4. L

    Woot - It's here...

    Well, another day has passed, and no e-mail about my Pandora shipping. Headed home at lunch, only to find a Canada post delivery notice. Headed to post office, to find that I now have my Pandora! After a brief stint with no wifi (a reboot seems to have fixed that), it's now up and running...
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    New cables, more boards (2011-04-15)

    Yup.. My order date/time was Wed, Oct 1 2008 10:19 am Nothing in e-mail yet Now, I was one of the cursed - I'd ordered with Amex originally, and didn't get my money back. I was assured by Jacquelyn on Marc 25th, 2009 that I was still going to get my unit. Hopefully I've not been...
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    More numbers, late again :) (2011 - 04 - 05)

    Thats good to hear Craig. However, the better news was in an earlier post - 200+ shipped - woot! Dan
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    How many shipped this week?

    The subject says most of it. How many units made it out the door this week? (don't care about breakdown, unless you've got that available) a single number would be awesome. breakdown by premium, regular, RMA replacements would be extra awesome. Heck, even an estimate (we shipped a few...
  8. L

    Premium Pandora's are annoying and slowing down the PreOrders

    Craig, first off, I want to stress that I'm not bothered by the premium orders doing queue hopping. Anything that keeps you in business is a good thing. That being said, I am concerned about "it does allow us to keep shipping units". That has some rather ugly implications, prime being that...
  9. L

    I Feel Down

    Sigh. I'm somewhere around 1200-1300 in the queue, and no idea when it's going to get here. You know what? I'm not worried. I know that Craig and the rest of the team are working as hard as they can to get us a good product, as fast as they can. I'm a gadget guy. I've got one of everything...
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    Of course it can. VNC back to your desktop, and connect through that way. Gameplay will suck, but, this is farmville afterall :-) Disclaimer - I do have a farmville account that I log into every so often. Dan.
  11. L

    Can This Be Used As A Mobile Hotspot?

    Hello all. Wondering if the Pandora will work with things like the rogers rocket stick (A USB->3G wireless card) What I'm hoping, is that I can convert it into a mobile hotspot for my other devices to use. Cheers, Dan.
  12. L

    The Real Pandora Niche

    Um, actually they do. A patent provides the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the patented invention for the term of the patent. (and yes, while I am not a patent attorney, or even a patent agent, I do work in the field of patents) Dan.
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    Craigix Tweets, Mwestion Soon To Arrive.

    I've got his evil vision of MWeston's flight being diverted somehow, and someone else, that Craig has never seen stepping forward, claiming to be him. When they get to the site, he acts choked up, asked if he can be left alone with the materials for a few minutes. Craig comes back in 5...
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    WTF? European airspace shutdown. Is this going to impact the delivery of bits to the UK? Sigh. (Still can't wait to see the webcams creak to life. I'm betting that if you set them up, and started streaming them now, you'd get swamped by the nosy.)
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    Official Blog Post

    That what IV's are for, with maple syrup type feed lines to your local coffee shop. Let the pro's make the coffee.
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    Icontrolpad Updates!

    One thing you may want to be aware of is something called "swearing behind" a patent date. Essentially means they can claim that they invented it a year before they filed it, and that trumps art published in the intervening time. What's the earliest you guys published disclosed your concept...
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    Today Is A Great Day!(Hopefully)

    First off, I'm not canceling - I'm in this for the long run. I want a Pandora, and I'm going to wait until I get one. My issue is with communications. I'm not knocking ED - his posts in the forum here are always useful to read. Craig's are as well (if a bit cryptic at times) I just don't...
  18. L

    The Chinese Schedule?

    So, instead of them arriving on the 22nd, they will be picked up on the 23rd. That would likely mean that they will get to England on the 25th or 26th (what with customs likely to be involved) Is there any chance this type of information (along with what part have been shipped/received...
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    Halfway April

    The suggestions to post progress reports while sounding good, I think is likely to lead to even more ranting than we have now. People are going to look at what was said would be done next week, (from last week's post), compare to what was actually done in this week's post, and complain bitterly...
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    Making A Pandora Gaming Community

    Sounds good. Let me know where it is, and how to reach it, and I'll add it to my next blog post (which is not aimed at OpenPandora, but game dev/indie gaming in general)