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  1. sukhiextreme

    Sold My System On Ebay

    My caanoo system sold on ebay at good price,so finally decided to sell. It's goodbye from me for caanoo gaming but i will stay on forum for helping others.
  2. sukhiextreme

    Prboom With Picklelauncher For Caanoo

    if you have the game,please can you upload the game for me and send the link.
  3. sukhiextreme

    Prboom With Picklelauncher For Caanoo

    No it doesn't. It goes to download page then when you click it asks you to accept and after that it goes to games list of different games,try it yourself.
  4. sukhiextreme

    Prboom With Picklelauncher For Caanoo

    That link don't work,do you have another link or another website.
  5. sukhiextreme

    Arora Browser

    I've placed the qt libraries in root of the card but it still the same,what am i doing wrong.
  6. sukhiextreme

    Arora Browser

    I installed this to app folder and when select the browser it goes back to caanoo main menu.
  7. sukhiextreme

    Newbie At Caanoo

    The commodore amiga is awesome it plays most games full speed and nice sound. Games like stardust and chaos engine work perfect.
  8. sukhiextreme

    What Video Formats Work

    I'm using pocketdivx program i don't think there is much settings.
  9. sukhiextreme

    Want To See Panmame Ported To The Caanoo?

    Seriously why do you want panmame on caanoo,isn't mame4all good enough it does play alot of games. I don't think panmae play alot of games different to mame4all.
  10. sukhiextreme

    What Video Formats Work

    Caanoo canplay xvid,divx,mp4. Mp4 formats does not come on the list,it always be's blank. If you read caanoo manual it says it can play mpeg-4 but does not play it even with mplayer.
  11. sukhiextreme

    Buy Payback On Caanoo

    I agree with you they have turn back on gph. Not being funny most majority emulators on pandora are same as caanoo,there's not much of difference there. Craig and evildragon created pandora but not much of difference and caanoo has fun factors like g-sensor and vibration,which beats pandora by...
  12. sukhiextreme

    Final Burn Alpha

    It will be nice addition if cps3 games can be playable on caanoo. We will need advance version of fba, i hope reesy will do it,if not someone else will do it.
  13. sukhiextreme

    Vibration Motor

    What is the vibration motor used for,only thing it's doing when i'm clicking anything on the main menu screen it vibrates,which is kinda cool,is it used for anything else.
  14. sukhiextreme

    Fungp Site Problem

    I wasn't very pleased with pandora i just ordered Wibrain B1H i should get that in few days. it's nice to back on caanoo emulation,which is fantastic. I've just one question,how can i get the commercial games like asura cross on caanoo,any ideas. edit:Is gph out of business oh no,what went wrong.
  15. sukhiextreme

    Fungp Site Problem

    What's going on with fungp site it's not working at all. Is it true that GPH aren't making anymore console,i've been told this by craigx of uk.
  16. sukhiextreme

    Mame Issues On Caanoo

    I can help you on this easily you will most roms working,first of all most sites use latest romsets and they won't work on this emulator,so you need to go on site which have 037b16 which is 100% correct and if you need help on this,i can you give more info through pm,if that ok with you. Please...
  17. sukhiextreme

    32X Emu / Snk Cd Emu

    Yes you right it made knuckles chaotix full speed most majority sounds are there,is there any new updates to this emulator.
  18. sukhiextreme

    Saturn Emulator

    Caanoo has all useful emulators which all run so well,what's the point of releasing emulators which won't run any game and are so slow,it's will complete of time as notaz as said. Pandora had saturn it was slow and ran only few games and n64 ran few games but it didn't run the best games which...
  19. sukhiextreme

    32X Emu / Snk Cd Emu

    same here i have class 10 card too,but i will give another shot and see how it goes.
  20. sukhiextreme

    Mame 0.106

    I've tries fba on caanoo it's really imressive,i've tried it plays all neo geo,cps1,cps2 and most other games so perfectly well.