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  1. M

    Pandora 2, A Year Or So From Now?

    (EDIT NOTE: CRAP. My bad for not adding "SPECULATION/QUESTION/HOPE" to the topic name. I personally abhor topics that are titled like this, implying new information, when it's just the above three. Once again, I am sorry.) Is there any chance that, a year or so from now, we might see an update...
  2. M

    New Ti-Openmax 0.4.1

    I'm not sure if this is old news, but on the 31st of August Texas Instruments released version 0.4.1 of ti-openmax (link). This adds H.264 support. Has anyone with a dev board or test box tried this build yet?
  3. M

    1080P Possible?

    Surely this sounds like "Can the Pandora emulate PS2?!", but how unlikely is it, really? The C64 can decode H.264 up to 720p, so between that, the remaining 70-85% of CPU (maybe a hint of over-clocking?), and a universal-shader-equipped GPU, does it even lie in the realm of possibility that an...
  4. M

    Video Format Capabilities?

    I'm just curious as to how capable the Pandora will be as far as video playback capabilities are concerned. I'm sure it'll start with mplayer but eventually, will the video processing capabilities of the chip be fully exploited? Will it be capable of 720x480 H.264 MKV Dual-Audio + Subtitles...