Search results

  1. Middo

    See the heartbeat!

    The Pyra looks good. Ive been away awhile. ;-)
  2. Middo

    Official TV cables

    Was wondering about those cable myself today also.
  3. Middo

    I got my Pandora... now what?

    One more ........ Click on the Pandora (top RHS) Cheers!
  4. Middo

    open letter to Pandora Hard/Software development

    There needs to be a 'LIKE' box for these forums (not facebook) so when I read something like this, I can show the author that I 'like' it without having to type all this (thus making the thread grow for no reason etc). I am sure that the developers appreciate your spending 5 mins to let them...
  5. Middo

    Android, Chrome OS & Ubuntu for Beagleboard - Current Bounty $425

    Everything is accessable from here. See Developers sections. Cheers.
  6. Middo

    Why the Pandora is the way it is.

    Added this thread to the "New to the Pandora" section of The Pandora Bookmark.
  7. Middo

    Blending the pandora

    Not a bad idea. I'm in.
  8. Middo

    Don't have time to upload your PNDs to the repo?

    Added dawgman's site to The Pandora Bookmark as a BACKUP SITE under SOFTWARE and GAMES. Cheers.
  9. Middo

    Pandora Backgrounds by FaeMinx

    Added this thread link to the WALLPAPER section of The Pandora Bookmark. Good work FaeMinx!
  10. Middo

    My Pandora review/blog

    Added your BLOG site to The Pandora Bookmark.
  11. Middo

    Helper script

    Sounds like a simple on-line flow chart would suffice.
  12. Middo

    Helper script

    Or a (link/email/default browser homepage) to the Pandora Bookmark and I will start a Troubleshooting section and include ALL relevant links, starting with the WIKI. Just a thought. Cheers, Middo
  13. Middo

    How much data storage do you fill on your Pandora?

    2 x 32gb Verbatim Class 6 SDHC Cards, one named GAMES and one named MUSIC. The Music one also has ScummVM games and PS One Games and also Some movies. 1 x 32gb USB Thumb Drive for all other things. You can't have too much capacity and I bet you will always need more than you think, in the...
  14. Middo

    Are We There Yet Game

    Seems to work fine in DOSBOX. No sound. but didnt try to get working yet. Just completed map of USA using nubs etc. 850mhz. Would be cool if stylus worked/was calibrated though. Cheers
  15. Middo

    New Pandora owner? Make this thread your first stop.

    Added a NEW USER section to the bookmarks site. (Just follow the little white rabbit, oh I mean just click on the little pandora in the top RH cnr) Any suggestions or additions are welcome. Cheers!
  16. Middo

    Car Fires?

    What is it with car fires? A truck burst into flames infront of my work a few weeks ago!!!! No Pandora in there I hope!
  17. Middo


    Thanks YOSHI. I downloaded your emu pack yesterday and love it. For new users its AWESOME. Well done. Will add a link in the Emulator section. When i make a NEW USER section, will be sure to add it there too. cheers
  18. Middo


    Didi someone say bookmark?
  19. Middo

    What Are You Playing?

  20. Middo

    A summary of the last few weeks (2011-05-26)

    They would be good for small MAME cabinets too (Bartop). Especially if are much cheaper than a Beagleboard. Would need TV out cable though I guess. The current one I am building has an LCD with no Composite-in so I would have trouble unless I use an LCD TV etc. The box is extra large as the...