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  1. S

    Dosbox Fun

    If you're taking requests, try Heroes of Might and Magic 2! It was slow as crap on PSP though, so maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up.
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    Pandora + Pc + Dosbox

    I would die of happiness if Pandora can play HoMM2 with sound at decent speeds. That's probably a pipe dream though.
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    Any Chance Of P2p Tv/radio Programs Appearing On Pandora?

    Are there any open-source programs similar to Sopcast or TVUPlayer, and if so would the pandora be able to run them well? I'd sacrifice a baby goat in order to watch out-of-market NFL games on my Pandora.
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    Will I Be Able To Connect To My Wireless G Network?

    One of the things that bugs me about the PSP is that it can't connect to my home network unless I use a Wireless B signal, which is significantly slower. Will the Pandora be able to accept Wireless G? Sorry if this has already been asked, searched for "Wireless G" with no results.
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    So How Long Are We Going To Have To Wait For A Fullspeed Nds Emu?

    The DS screens can be scaled to 320x240 each, which would make them 1.875" on the Pandora, not much smaller than the GBA Micro.
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    Theoretically Speaking, Is The Pandora At Least Capable Of Dreamcast E

    How do you figure that? If you look at real world polygon output, very few DC games even approached 1 million polygons per second, while even early PS2 software dwarfed that number. (Source: vertices per second reported when running NullDC, polygons per frame reported by PCSX2) I don't know...
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    Theoretically Speaking, Is The Pandora At Least Capable Of Dreamcast E

    Holy crap. Seems like a wasted effort on the PSP though, since the DC has 4 times as much VRAM. The main reason that I had a glimmer of hope for DC emulation on the Pandora is that they both use PowerVR hardware, from what I've read about the DC the PowerVR chip is the most expensive part to...
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    Crash Team Raceing!

    Already played it on my PSP B)
  9. S

    Is Psp Emulation Really Feasible?

    I would think Dreamcast emulation would be more feasible than PSP emulation, since Dreamcast is slower than the PSP, there are already working Dreamcast emulators for the PC, and the Pandora uses a more advanced version of the PowerVR chip used in the DC. But I wouldn't count on either of them...
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    Theoretically Speaking, Is The Pandora At Least Capable Of Dreamcast E

    Sorry, I saw separate topics devoted to the DS and N64 on the first page and I guess I figured we might as well cover all the bases, heh.
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    Theoretically Speaking, Is The Pandora At Least Capable Of Dreamcast E

    Whenever the subject of what systems can be emulated on the Pandora comes up, the Dreamcast always seems to get filed into the same "not gonna happen" category as the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube. Now I don't claim to be the most knowledgeable guy out there when it comes to hardware, but from what I...
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    I've always been somewhat interested in the GP2x but as a PSP owner I never really felt the need to buy one and become actively involved with the community. However I am very interested in the Pandora project and would like to acquire one as soon as possible. People like me should be given...