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  1. B

    Microbatches And The First Batch Roadmap.

    There is a new SLA material which beats out CNC prototypes. Its as close to ABS as SLA will ever get. For the Pandora case it'd cost around $300 to make and take about 1 week or less. The CNC process as I've used in the past for many product never truly represented what came out of the mold...
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    Gp2x Demand?

    What about batteries? 3x AA or a Sony PSP style battery? maxSteiner; What about the Dpad on the PSP does that one work well? By SNES version are you referring to the dpad on the old SNES included controllers?
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    Gp2x Demand?

    So to sum it up a rechargable battery like Lion, Real D-pad and maybe an analog stick ? What about wifi? I assume there is still developer support out there to modify the firmware to take advantages of any added features ? Also whats the F300? I saw one post about something being fake. Is the...
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    What's To Stop Copycats?

    I agree, I don't think the Chinese will really will do anything here. Was just pointing out some factual information. Yes I did look at the links. The OMAP is widely available. You can order any quantity you want. Digikey does basic stock. Anything over the quantity on hand is just a short...
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    Gp2x Demand?

    Is there still demand for the GP2X hardware? Meaning if they were still for sale would people still be buying them ?
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    What's To Stop Copycats?

    You can purchase the OMAP from every TI distributor including DigiKey:;keywords=OMAP Analog nubs are also available from several places, here...
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    Fcc, Ce And Delivery Dates

    It depends on the lab and if the device passes first round. The time is in a failure, if there is one. The balance of time if collecting all the information as stated above. Some labs are real slow. You can do CE and FCC self cert on some devices in some situations. But your better off with a...
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    What's To Stop Copycats?

    Welcome to the wonderful world of open source. There is no real way to lock anything down. So its a crap shoot. The PCB could be knocked off before it is even released. Theres only one way to wire up an OMAP. The only guess is what I/O were use for the controls and keyboard which can be...
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    Fcc, Ce And Delivery Dates

    I think Q4 is more like it. Haven't heard a word on a test fixture for PCBs. You can't produce and test 3000pcbs without it. Test fixtures in some case are as big of a project as original pcb and take time... Well didn't want to stir anything up. Have been wanting one and I was just wondering...
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    Fcc, Ce And Delivery Dates

    I haven't heard any mention of FCC or CE certifications? You can't ship a product like this to several countries including USA without certain certifications. Provide all goes well, that takes around 2 to 6 weeks. Rarely does a device pass on first round testing. If you don't get these...
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    Gp32 Firmware Source

    Anyone know where I can get the full sources for the Slubman firmware? Found his old site but the link to the file is dead. Found the entry to the gp32 download section on this site but it links to the file on his old site. I can find the firmware but No source code file. He did release it a few...
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    Gp32 Wanted

    Why do you find it necessairy to hijack my thread......
  13. B

    Gp32 Wanted

    I have no idea how much its worth. What do you want for it ?
  14. B

    Gp32 Wanted

    Anyone have GP32 forsale? How much?