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  1. Samalthos

    Space Rts

    Hang on are there going to be different Classes of ships? such as Fighter Bomber Shuttle Patrol Corvette Missle Frigate Frigate Cruiser Destroyer - Super Class Destroyers? Carrier - Fighter/Troop Special Classes? Interdictors, Missle Jammers, Shield Amplifiers (If there will be...
  2. Samalthos

    Thank You

    Thanks Everyone involved in this project for working so hard to bring us a superior product. It really hurts me to see people losing intrest because they've waited so long. Who cares really? as long as I get one and it works I don't care if it takes another 5 years. While it's true I could...
  3. Samalthos

    Flimsy Plastic? Or Durable Shell

    Do you really think that the developers would release a "flimsy" thing? They have worked too hard to release a Flimsy product and have someone cuss them out about it.
  4. Samalthos

    Commercial Games

    Does it matter if it's Console or PC? If not the games I would have to nominate would be Age of Empires 2 (PC) Xwing vs Tie fighter/Tie Fighter/Xwing/Xwing Alliance (PC) I think if you could get Lucas Arts to develop anything for the Pandora It would emerge Commercially
  5. Samalthos

    What Would Be The Pandora Alternative

    The difference between the netbooks and the pandora is optimization. Unless you feel like getting nitty gritty with the hardware and software the pandora will have more horsepower than those machines for the simple fact that it uses all availiable resources
  6. Samalthos

    Pandora Vs Acer Aspire One

    Here it is down and dirty from an Aspire One owner alright (I own the ZG5 Linux Linpus Edition) You get: 8 GB solid state HDD which is about the same as a fast SD card this day and age 1.6 GHz Intel Atom processor(It performs around the same as my IBM Pentium 3 733MHz (Really old Laptop)...
  7. Samalthos

    Sdxc Support?

    What I wonder about is how long will the cards last? will they be "Better" than SDHC cards? I Mean how many read and writes can we expect form these new cards?
  8. Samalthos

    Hi Res (.mov) Files

    Thanks for the reply! everyone this helps a bit! :)
  9. Samalthos

    Hi Res (.mov) Files

    Is there any way of playing (.mov) files on pandora? they sqay that they are hi res and they are extremly good quality (oh by the way did i mention that they are Red vs. Blue and Hey, Shipwreck?)
  10. Samalthos

    Your Most Wanted Emulated Game On Pandora? (aka Friday Night Insomnia.

    All right the three games (Hard to pick between them) I want are: Sonic 3K Sonic R Sonic CD now I know the first one is easy but I Really want to push for Saturn Emulation just for Sonic R and I'm not sure about Sega CD Emulation but I'm willing to bet with Pandora's "Umph" it can be managed. I...
  11. Samalthos

    List Of Pandora Ports/connectors

    Now I'm assuming that The OTG is Client, Is my assumption correct? And with the Ext. Connector you could connect TV, Audio, and More USB?
  12. Samalthos

    Walkie Talkie

    Yes but it would be more like a phone call not a two way radio and you would have to stay near whatever internet connection you are using be it wifi, bluetooth, or other.
  13. Samalthos

    Q's About The Pandora Design

    He he nub, (Non Useful Body) Do the nubs have any sort of grip? Rubber, Rough plastic?
  14. Samalthos

    Developer Merchandise?

    Okay how about a Developer Leather carrying case with pandora logo and the dev's name? i think it would be awesome and then you all could compare sales to see who the masses favorite developer is y'know some competition ;)
  15. Samalthos

    Listen To Mp3's While Playing Games?

    I guess it should, It's supposed to be a UMPC and therefore should be able to do most the stuff a regular PC should (With some Exceptions) so as long as there is still RAM and CPU Speed left there shouldn't be a problem just remember that if you decide to play PS1 or N64 (If Possible) there may...
  16. Samalthos

    When You Open Pandora's Box What Will You Do?

    I'll Charge it and then badger someone into porting or developing a Space Tactical RTS
  17. Samalthos

    Pandora Shell Colors.

    I Is back! Dark Green (But not too Dark) With a Radioactive symbol would be kicking