Hey everyone,
I have searched the forums and can't find anything on Firmware 4.1.1 Is it good, should I upgrade to it from 4.0?
A link to a previous post would do, or some discussion.
Hey Ryo,
I don't mean to bother you, Are you working on a touchscreen version? If so, when do you think it will be ready.
Thanks for any info you can provide
It happened again, the only way I could get it to stop was to open it and then close it again. Next time it happens I will try and just remove the batteries for a little while.
I would be very surprised if the GP2X wipes the card. Worst comes to worts yo might have to just dump them onto a regular SD card to get them working. But I have not tested this. This is only what I think
I am not saying you HAVE to get one of these but I they do make a Serial to USB connector. Here is a link to one from tigerdirect. Might help you out.
Ok so my problem was using the B button, using A works great. Now the only problem is the lower 1/4 of the screen is messed up. I have a f-200 with Firmware 4.0 and I got the game from the link that was provided. It's exactly what I was looking for, this game kicks ass!
ok I have an update. Again!
I dont know what the trouble was but I opened up the GP2X and I never really liked the way the power switch worked, so I shaved a bit of plastic on the actual switch so it lets it move about a micrometer more and now it turns on and there's no more flicker. So it...
OK here's an update. I charged my batteries again, I am seeing 3 bars now, but th screen still flickers like crazy, it goes completely white at times, then comes back. It just started all of a sudden today. What should I do?