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  1. M


    I have a DS. 1) Worms on DS doesn't have nearly as many features as its predecesors, not even worms 1 2) the second worms game isn't out yet 3) the one that is out is as buggy as hell
  2. M

    Really Sorry About This...

    But I accidently posted a thread in the GP32 board. Could a mod move that thread and delete this one, since that thread isn't getting any new replies. Thanks! (and I didn't PM the mods for the simple reason I'm new and therefore not sure who to PM) EDIT: I can't believe I forgot it but...
  3. M


    I dunno. I was meaning to post it into the I need Help section but I must have accidently mis-posted EDIT: Oh, how stupid I've been. I just realised the "I need help section" is part of the GP32 section, Either that or the mods moved it. And anyway, the source for all 3 are not avaliable...
  4. M


    Can anyone test the PSX port of Worms, because I think that would be the best choice, as it doesn't use a kb so it won't be a bitch to use, and people have said that that's the most accurate port of the original Worms. Not sure about WA, I've asked the owner of the world's best T17 fansite...
  5. M


    This might be a stupid question (dispite what it says under the channel link ;)). I have recently got to grips with Ubuntu/Kubuntu (a KDE version of Ubuntu) and I found a hack to get Worms Armageddon working on it via wine. The questions are: 1) would I be able to run wine on the GP2X? 2) Would...