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  1. I

    Anyone Know Where To Find Surplus Gp2x F100 ?

    I have a project that will need a few GP2X F100 units. Anyone know who may have these as suprlus? Looking for small quantities 10 ~ 100, prefereably unused. Refurb will be considered.
  2. I

    Isotcl Demo Release

    Here's an alpha release of an isometric engine written in C and Tcl. Its designed to allow rapid development of isometric games. The demos are preludes to the following game titles or themes.. -- iso mini golf. -- puck a duck -- bye bye fluffy! -- Bar monopoly -- Foosball -- and many more...
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    GP32 Sdl_ttf Antialias Not Working On Gp2x

    I cant seem to get antialias working using the SDL_ttf. According to its documentation, calling TTF_RenderText_Blended() or TTF_RenderText_Shaded() should trigger antialias. Has anyone confirm that antialias is working? Actually, I don't see it working on my desktop either.
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    Isodemo Using Sdlbasic

    I wrote this in about a day, yes its pretty crude and simple. But given that I've only started working with sdlbasic in the last few weeks, most of it just trying to compile the runtime and barely actually using the language, I'm somewhat pleased with the results. This demo also handles mapping...
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    Very Alpha Port Of Sdlbasic Available

    Hello all, Someone mentioned a request for sdlbasic port. I took a look at sdlBasic and was impressed with what it has for gaming. I did a quick (actually to all day) port of the sdlBasic runtime engine. Binaries and sample files only at the moment. Alpha port of the SDL Basic runtime...