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  1. D

    Sysfs Missing?

    Will do probably won't be for a couple of weeks as I'm away onsite next week. The rt73 driver looks pretty easy to compile under 2.6* it compiled with very few problems other than a bit of poking to get it to work with gcc 2.9.5 Dom
  2. D

    Sysfs Missing?

    Hi Thanks for the replies, There _is_ sysfs source in the firmware 2.0.0 tree, but its hidden in a .svn subdirectory. I think that may be enough to get hotplug and firmware uploading going as the driver for rt73 has plenty of code to make it work on 2.4* kernels and there is a firmware_class...
  3. D

    Sysfs Missing?

    Hi all, I've just bought a USB stick which needs the rt73 driver. I'm having trouble getting this going. I've: - dowloaded the wireless tools for the rt2570 - compiled an rt73 driver - compiled the kernel driver for firmware_class.o - copied all to gp2x I can modprobe my driver and iwconfig...
  4. D

    GP2X Arm-linux

    Yes please. I've got a binary download of 2.95 but its not configured how I'd like it. Even better if you could tell me what its made from (i.e. base downloads and what patches). I'll try and make a build script then and put it up on the archive for those who are interested? Cheers Dom
  5. D

    GP2X Arm-linux

    Sorry, think may have got wires crossed, but I've just downloaded that, it is indeed source but it is the source for gcc 4.02, I was after 2.95 Cheers dom
  6. D

    GP2X Arm-linux

    Yes me too, thats the one I used for my kernel (NFS) modules mentioned in another thread. Anybody know where to get / how to build the SAME thing from sources...I'd like installed differently. I'll put up a page for how to build too Cheers Dom
  7. D

    GP2X Compiling Kernel Modules

    Whoops yes... I'll change that now! Glad somebody appreciates the work...I know its already saved me hours of messing about with using the cardreader! I'm going to have a look at that when I get a spare moment and see if I can't do something about the worrying inability of the current...
  8. D

    GP2X Compiling Kernel Modules

    Here you go:,0,0,0,42,1880 Also I've done a quick page on compiling kernel modules at These are just "first cut" so any (helpful) advice / help / suggestions greatly appreciated! Cheers Dom
  9. D

    GP2X Compiling Kernel Modules

    Not at the machine at the moment but will hopefully do something over the weekend Dom
  10. D

    GP2X Compiling Kernel Modules

    I may well try and get the locking working soon too. However it now "works" for a while but if left alone for a few minutes it seems to lose the connection and I get permission denied errors until I umount and re-mount? Any ideas? Cheers dom
  11. D

    GP2X Compiling Kernel Modules

    Thanks that did it...Do you think its worth documenting? I know its going to make life much more pleasant now I can build up an image on my hard disk and run from there!
  12. D

    GP2X Compiling Kernel Modules

    Hello all, I've been trying to get the gp2x to work as an NFS client (I can't find anybody else documenting how to do this).... I'm fairly sure the nfs client stuff is working as it complained until I'd got everything set right in etc/fstab but then failed with "no such device" So then I've...
  13. D

    Vfat Case Sensitivity

    I've been having trouble with case sensitive filenames on the gp2x: VFat should (and does on my Linux boxes) allow you to refer to a file with any capitalisation. On the gp2x you have to match exactly what vfat has decided the capitals are! VFat translate the capitals on shortnames to lower...
  14. D

    Compiling Squidgesnes

    I've been trying to get this working (I'm hoping to be able to contribute some bits of assembler). I've been trying to compile 0.35-reesey, with both gp2xsdk (GamePark) and ooPo's toolchain, with both of these I can compile a .gpe which runs until a rom is loaded at which point it appears to...
  15. D

    Rtcforward 0.1

    Hello, I've had problems with the RTC (clock) in the gp2x resetting to 1/1/1970 every time I reset. This daemon doesn't completely solve the problem but at least makes sure that the time next time you boot the clock starts up roughly where you left off last time. The attached tar includes...
  16. D

    GP2X Rtc Module

    There's a RTC in the MMSP2 as well, not sure if the relevant pins are soldered though...not got round to taking my gp2x to bits yet :blink: However, I have knocked something together, managing to brick my gp2x for the first time in the process! :o (note to self - do NOT use rm * in the /etc...
  17. D

    GP2X Rtc Module

    Looking at the gp2x filesystem this is a no - go. - virtually nothing seems to get written. Nearly anything that can get written to (/var /tmp are on a tmpfs (which gets wiped on a reset by the looks of things) Nice idea though I think I'll go for the 10 minutes write idea, that should give...
  18. D

    GP2X Rtc Module

    I started to do an enter date thing - but got hacked off with it about the third time I reset! I really just want to make sure that newer files get a newer date (I've had all sorts of issues with software getting confused after a reset.) I guess for now I'll: Give the user the option to set...
  19. D

    GP2X Rtc Module

    One of the more annoying things (for a dev) on the gp2x is the lack of Real Time Clock. I was wondering if any of you would find the following useful: A module / deamon that records the current time (every second / ten seconds / configurable) to a file in nand memory. On a reboot, load the last...
  20. D

    GP2X Mmsp2 Documentation

    Thanks all, These are just what I was after Cheers Dom