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  • Users: JyuOH
  • Content: Threads
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  1. J

    Mame And Working Roms

    Could someone explain to me exactly what it is i have to do to get mame roms working on gp2x? Also is CS1 playable? street fight alpha?
  2. J


    uno (card game) would be great time waster on gp2x, Anyone think they could make a homebrew version or something?
  3. J

    Best Gbc Emu?

    Well I tried to search but i couldn't find anything that related to my question. Can anyone tell me what the best gameboy color emulater is? I'd like to play some "pokemans" =D
  4. J

    Gp2x And Subs

    Question! How would i go about rencoding an mkv file with subs inside the container? Is there a better way of doing this? does gp2x handle mkv files? maybe i can just rencode to mkv instead of avi. I tried to rencode it to avi and the file played fine but the subs wont work. =/
  5. J

    Sdl? Where To Put

    ok well I just got my gp2x and i'm trying to get squidge snes emu to work but when i try to load it games it shows a black screen with text that dissappears really fast. I can just make out something about needing SDL libaries or something, so my question is where do I get them and where do I...
  6. J

    Will This Adapter Work?

    Well i'm trying to find a cheap ac adapter that will work with the gp2x but i'm not sure exactly what type i need, any insight would be really great! thanks in advance.
  7. J

    Video Playback?

    Well I plan on getting a gp2x within the next week and i'm curious how good the video playback is. Can it handle avi well? what about mp4/mkv.