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  • Users: Pie Man
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  1. P

    Looking To Buy A Laptop

    Hi im looking to buy one of those little sony laptops with the camera and that, i would like the versions above 733mhz and would perfer the 800mhz. Also if anyone has a small around 9" laptop thats about the same spec i would like to know what.
  2. P

    Laptop For Sale Amd 2600+

    I am selling a Packard Bell Easynote E6100, specs are: -40GB Hard Drive -AMD Sempon 2600+ (1.6GHZ) -512MB Ram (64MB Used as shared memory for the graphics card) upgraded from 256MB -15.1" LCD XGA (Brilliantly clear) -56K Modem -NEC DVD-ROM: 8x, CD-ROM: 24x (read) DVD-R/DVD+R: 8x...
  3. P

    Emulator Skins

    Does anyone know if there are plans to make all the emulators with skins like nks
  4. P


    Does anyone how you enter text in TTD i do not hae my GP2X yet and wondered as i often played it on pc, hopefully the chat board will be supported.
  5. P

    Can Anyone Ereflash A Gp32

    Im in the UK and have GP32 which needs reflashing and wondered if anyone had the equipment, please help I will be very gratefull and will cover your costs, thank you. :( gp32_console :(
  6. P

    Skins On Slubmans Fw

    How can you make your own skins and apply them to the FW, I have heard of people doing this but no one said how.
  7. P

    New F-day Nes Emu

    I just found the new F-day nes emu on dcemu and they have hosted one for any one to download that says only for private distribution.
  8. P

    Gbax Emails Notifcation

    Gbax have sent al of the second batch out now, at least i think they have. :lol: gp32_console :lol:
  9. P

    Gp2x Second Batch Shipped Today? (gbax)

    Im making sure as i am getting a bit desprate.
  10. P

    Gbax Orders

    will all gp2x's be dispatched before or on 5-11.
  11. P

    Gp2x Joystick

    I thought to solve the gp2x joystick issue you could replace the gp2x joystick with a gp32 one from lik-sang
  12. P


    Would it be possible to port command and conquer to the gp2x, i know it requires the source but was not sure if it was released.
  13. P

    Gp2x From Gbax

    Does anyone know if we will still recieve the case and headphones and that. gp32_console :D :P
  14. P

    GP32 Ngpc

    Firstly i would like to know if anyone has made any advancements with NGPC, I would also like someone to post the unfinished gpneopop.
  15. P

    Gp32 Couloured Cases

    Does anyone have one thay would be willing to part with or anywhere i could get one. gp32_console
  16. P

    Neo Geo Pocket On Gp32

    does anyone have the gpneopop source code as the download on wont work.
  17. P


    I have just found the new version updated by reesy and amazingly the sound is now perfect, before I would not have used it but now i am able to play all roms perfectly. Also has anyone heard any news on the neogeo pocket emulator or could you post the old unfinished neopop one as it wont work...