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  • Users: bukkit
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  1. bukkit

    upgrade errors

    Hello guys, I have following errors when I do an upgrade (SuperZaxxon 1.71 (according to splash screen, 1.70 according to /etc/op-version)), via "upgrade Pandora OS", several tries). Does anyone know how where that might come from and how to fix? Thanks and regards. Updating package...
  2. bukkit

    Release gpsd bundle and modrana update

    I made a bundle for gpsd (v 3.10), with a small runner and config frontend. Here: gpsd repo Also cube48 made me co-package maintainer for modRana (thanks!), so I updated that to 0.45.3. modRana repo
  3. bukkit

    Forum search function

    First, sorry for posting in this subforum, but I didn't find a better suited topic. This question can be answered by any forum admin, not only EvilDragon. Usually with a forum software, it's possible to set the search settings so that three-letter-words are indexed. Here it seems to start at...
  4. bukkit

    Pandora wakes up on SD card insert or eject

    ... it might be considered a feature, but in fact, I find it annoying and it tends to wreak more havoc than it ever could prevent. So, is there a way to prevent the Pandora from waking up from power save when a card is inserted or ejected? (Searched and didn't find anything, sorry if I...
  5. bukkit

    adding vlc player to "open with"

    So I followed a handful of tutorials. I arrived at making a shell script, which I put into appdata. Contents: #!/bin/sh /usr/pandora/scripts/ -p /media/OS/pandora/menu/osd-Video/vlc.pnd -e "" -b "vlc-vlc-14627" -a "$*" I checked all paths, checked if...
  6. bukkit

    boot from SD ... doesn't work for me

    Meanwhile I tried several times. Installation was with the pnd-installer. I tried two different (otherwise fine working) cards with two different sizes, with and without swap, with different sizes of FAT32 partition, with formatting inbetween (SD-Formatter, of course). This should be Zaxxon...
  7. bukkit

    ... als wäre vielleicht Strg gedrückt ...

    Kann derzeit das Menü nicht mehr bedienen (nach Aufwachen aus power save). Klicke ich aufs Statmenü (egal ob Stylus oder Nub), kommt da was, was vielleicht das Kontextmenü ist (XFCE menu (grau),Properties, Move, Remove,...). Einfache Mausklicks zB auf Buttons sind aber immer noch Linksklicks...
  8. bukkit

    order numbers for 1Ghz Pandoras

    In the 1Ghz thread http://boards.openpa...has-one-coming/ people are posting order numbers from Craigs shop. I ordered a 1Ghz Pandora from you, but didn't get such an order number, only an order ID (Bestellnummer) in the five figure range. Will you also inform people of their queue status /...
  9. bukkit

    1Ghz units

    It seems like a lot of people are waiting for confirmation about their order of a 1Ghz unit from you. Also, people are worried they could be sold out through Craig before you can work on your mail queue. (See the 1Ghz units forum.) Therefore... are they running out? Will people ordering...