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  • Users: TylerAW
  • Content: Threads
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  1. T

    Wagic Broken on CC Unit

    So the latest version of Wagic will download the updates but then simply launches to a black screen and eventually crashes my unit... is this a bug that was never fixed? I got it to load the menu once before crashing.
  2. T

    Panda Frontend

    I have an issue with the Panda Frontend emulator pnd. I got it to work, but when I told it to use a custom emulator (instead of the default ones say for SNES or Genesis) it only loads those emulators, but not the game in them, defeating the purpose. Is there anything I can do? All I did was...
  3. T

    Openbox Warlock Bar Bugs?

    LibreOffice will not launch, it just says "/mnt/utmp/libreoffice/%U does not exist." However in XFCE GUI it runs just fine. (Again, sorry about all the new posts, I was going to ask around the #openpandora irc channel... but all I found were trolls in there that seemed to like making fun of...
  4. T

    Performance and Memory Questions

    I had a few questions so I could stop tinkering with my Open Pandora so much and juts enjoy it (been doing it for the last three days, not that it hasn't been fun and all... but I am now using up too much of my time for my liking) So I noticed when USB Host is turned on wit ha Flash Drive...
  5. T

    Video Playback?

    So is there a trick or a file I need (other than the community codec pack) to get playback to work right on my Open Pandora? I tried using Gnome for .mp4 files and it does not work. I tried Pan Player Zoom and that only works on audio or fast forward and XMBC is too slow for my CC unit.
  6. T

    No 4:3(Full Size Scale) or GG Support for Picodrive?

    So I am very familiar with this emulator, it runs well on my old PSP... but when loading a game the default is full screen (stretching across the whole image) but there are no presets for 4:3 mode with the except of 2x2 mode... it's not like that is that bad looking, but is there no way to have...
  7. T

    LibreOffice Issues (No Google Docs?) and Java?

    So I just installed this onto my SD Card. I noticed a few thigns and I was wondering if there are any fixes for them? 1. It sometimes tells me I need Java installed when it is installed... 2. Any function I give it, it will check the SD card for a while before speeding up again. 3. When...
  8. T

    Cannot Connect (CC Pandora)

    I just got my new Pandora, I am in love and I don't even have any apps on it... I forgot to buy an SD card  :unsure:  lol... anyway, I cannot seem to get it connected to the internet. We use a 'WPA2 PSK' security method, I enter the right password but it just doesn't want to do it. Does the...
  9. T

    DHL Weltpaket International Tracking?

    So I ordered a Classic Unit and the email I got claimed I would get a link soon to track my order. I never got a link, any ideas?
  10. T

    Classic Unit Wifi? Is it bad?

    So I noticed the Pandora supports Wifi Dongles, do they provide a huge speed increase over the stock chip? And if so, which one should I get? The wiki shows a bunch and I have no idea which is the better one for the Pandora.
  11. T

    Looking for Open Pandora (Any Model) [Pandora Achieved]

    I am willing to pay up to 300 USD But I am tying to find one cheap.. Not to sound like a cheap person, But I've been wanting one so I can write on the go. I loved its keyboard when I first used one. I don't mind if one is a little scuffed up so long as the keyboard and screen work fine.
  12. T

    Suggestions for pissed off ebay loser?

    I was just about to win an auction for a 1ghz Open Pandora unit that only had one thing wrong with it (a broken right trigger), it literally had seconds left and I kept refreshing it to make sure and after it finished it said I had been out bid (how?! It was like someone had programmed eBay to...
  13. T

    Pandora Classic Out of Stock Forever?

    I was saving up and I just now noticed that in the dragonbox website, the stock went from 3 to 0 very quickly. Does this mean there will be no more sales of these?
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    Classic Pandora Handling Google Drive?

    I was wondering if anyone with a Class model has used Google Drive and Documents? If so, does it run well? I guess I also want to know how well typing on it is for when you are not home, say in a word processor? I'm sure at this point every single gaming question has been asked and is in the...
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    Question on Price

    I have not been on these forums for a while. I was wondering do any Open Pandora's cost less than 400 dollars used or new?
  16. T

    Why use Google Checkout?

    So I have been trying to sell my Pandora and the person I sold it to did not want to use Pay Pal so atm in my google checkout merchant account I have around 500 bucks just sitting there and there is no button to deposit it in my bank account. It says there is a payout summary but it has yet to...
  17. T

    Wifi Stopped Working After Update

    I updated to the latest alpha and now it tries to connect to any wifi signal and after a while it times out and tells me it disconnected from the signal.
  18. T

    Ammyy Admin?

    Anybody heard of this? Some people on the web claim it can be much faster than TightVNC client. Think it's true?
  19. T

    Duke Nukem Crash?

    Anybody else tried Duke Nukem the original side-scroller in dosbox? I got it running and sound was working but before I could configure the controls it freezes my Pandora. Also is there any long term solution for default.conf changing back to default settings because it is really annoying?
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    Minitube broken

    I was wondering if this works right for anyone? It keeps skipping to the next video in the list randomly and videos skip unless my pandora is set to 1ghz