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  • Users: claus
  • Content: Threads
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  1. C

    Extracting A Gfx Cache File From A Gngeo2x Game

    Hello I'm playing around with gngeo, in yellow dog linux on my ps3. I found some working versions of garou, s1945p and others. But the Metal slug3 gives me trouble, when i load it, i get to the green flashing screen just before the neogeo logo and then it closes down the emu. I have been using...
  2. C

    Change Mmuhack In Cps2emu

    Hello I heard that some of the other emulators had a faulty mmuhack file included. I looked in my cps2 emulator folder and the mmuhack file was different in size compared to the one in piccodrive. I replaced it and and the emulator seems to run smoother now, but I'm not completely sure. could...
  3. C

    I Need Help With Emulators

    Hello since i received my GP32x yesterday have been able to upgrade from FW 2.0 to 2.11 and get most of the apps working. But i have a lot of troubles with the neo geo it seems like i have the wrong file names in the rom folders. Some of the files have rom extensions instead of bin, so i was...
  4. C

    C64 Platform Games

    Helo i am looking for an old game i used to play on my commodore 64. It's a platform like jumpman, the purpuse of the game is that you have to walk on all of the ground to win. The ground changes apperence when you walk on it. Does anyone know this old classic. Claus
  5. C

    Does Anyone Know This Game

    I remeber playing it in the arcade for abot 15-20 years ago. It was a lot like Turican and you had to choose whitch planet you wanted to go to, and i remember there where some big flowers that would eat you if you stood on them for to long. Does anyone know that game Claus
  6. C

    Pinball Dreams Doesn´t Work Anymore

    Helo I have resently reflashed my gp 32 with slubman firmware and now pinball dreams doesn't load anymore. It worked with the firmware intalled from gbax. Is there anything i can do to make it work again since i can't buy it anymore. Claus
  7. C

    Psycho Pinball (genesis)

    Psycho Pinball (Genesis version pinball game, playable on DrMD 4.1) Psycho Pinball is a great pinball game that is a lot like Pinball Dreams. There are 4 different boards to choose from: The Abyss (Aquatic theme) Trick or Treat (Horror theme) Wild West...
  8. C

    Need Help With Slubman Plugin

    Helo its been a while since i last wrote. I have for the first time flashed my gp32, with the slubman fw. I read in the readme file that if i wanted to load my commersiel games like pinballdreams (GXE). Then i would have to install a plugin called launch gxe. Now i have downloaded the plugin but...
  9. C

    Amiga Disc

    Helo i have an old amiga i haven't been playing on it for a while, because many of my game disc doesn't work anymore. I was then wondering if it's possible to make a disc with a amiga rom from my pc, for use on my amiga 500.
  10. C

    A Beach Volley Game

    Helo I was just trying out gplynx with a game called Malibu bikini volleyball. And the emu was looking good but still in an early stage. The question is if anybody knows some other good beach volley games. for Genesis, pc engine or atari st etc. Thanks in advance
  11. C

    Any News About Blood Cross?

    Helo I was wandering if anyone had some info about the relese of the blood cross fighter game. I Went to the website but it was in Korean. It would realy be a shame if the game had been canceled.
  12. C

    Her Knights

    Hi I would like to buy all for the princess/ Her knights. I have tried to look at joy GP an the official Gamepark site. I have also tried the original her knight's website but i can't understand the language. I would be very hapy if someone could help.
  13. C

    Smc Brands

    Hi i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a difrences in speed and performance of smc's, between the diffent brands? (Apacer, Kingston Olympic, sandisk etc.). Because I am about to buy a new one :D
  14. C

    Little John Detecting Roms

    Hi I thint the Little John emu is great But there are som roms that it will not detect. I wonder if there are some kind of region set in the emu, because the roms works fine in fnes. Ive tried to shorten the names but that didn't help either. :)
  15. C

    Can't Read Smc

    Helo just got my GP 32 from gbax, but it would not read my smc. It's 128 mb apacer and it works in my old mp3 player and in the card reader. I placed the fxe files in a GPMM folder on my SMC. pacrom, windups was installed by gbax. I hope you can help and i have tried to search the forum Claus
  16. C

    Emulating Neo Geo

    Helo I ordered my GP 32 monday and i'm looking forward to get it. But i would realy like to know if it would be possible to emulate Neo Geo console on the GP. Because It seams like it allready possible to emulate SNES an GENESIS. :)
  17. C


    Does anyone know if there is a jezzball clone for gp 32 i know it's sometimes called crazy ball
  18. C

    Gba On The Gp 32

    Helo i'm about to buy a GP 32 and was just wondering if it realy can emulate the GBA. The help faq says it can't, but you can download emulator on this site. Mayby the emulators was made after the help faq was written. :) Claus
  19. C

    Looking For Gp 32 Flu

    Helo I'm looking for GP 32 Flu So if anyone in Denmark or nearby is interested in selling. and if it's in good condition. Then i might be interested in buying it. Claus :D