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  1. Samurai_Shippo

    Downgrade Caanoo

    Ok so when I first got my caanoo a long time ago, I upgraded it to 1.6.1.  Is it possible to downgrade to 1.5 or am I just stuck.  Just curious. I picked up the old caanoo today because I now have time to play games again (Yay).
  2. Samurai_Shippo

    Magic The Gathering Life Counter

    I've looked all over for a flash based magic the gathering life counter that I could run on my Caanoo. Either for flash or native for the Caanoo would be nice.
  3. Samurai_Shippo

    Leather Case For Caanoo

    Anyone know if there is a leather case that can fit the Caanoo like what they have for the Wiz? I saw the jelly case but I would prefer a leather one that clips on the belt.
  4. Samurai_Shippo

    Dosbox/master Of Magic

    I would love to play Master of Magic on my Caanoo. I figure it would need DoxBox to run but from what I understand, DosBox never ran right on the Wiz.
  5. Samurai_Shippo

    Best Large Capacity Sd Card

    I am probably going to pick up either an 8 gig or 4 gig sd card. What makes seem to work best with the Caanoo?
  6. Samurai_Shippo

    Pcsx4All Disk Swapping

    Well I figured out my issue with my Final Fantasy 7 disks and now I have another question. How does the emulator handle multiple disks? How do you swap disks in game? Just curious before I begin to load things up on my caanoo
  7. Samurai_Shippo

    Ffvii On Caanoo In Psx4All

    Ok, made an iso of my Final Fantasy 7 disk. Loaded a BIOS into the main directory for the emulator, keeps going back to the load screen for psx4all. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
  8. Samurai_Shippo

    Chex Quest-Caanoo

    Well, I've had the Caanoo for at least a day. I wanted to see if I could put something together myself. I saw that noone had gotten Chex Quest to work as a stand-alone game like what was on the Wiz. So I repackaged it for the Caanoo, complete with icons. I do odd things when trying to...
  9. Samurai_Shippo

    Compatable Wireless Dongles

    Other than the one you buy from the company, what other wireless usb sticks work?
  10. Samurai_Shippo

    Skin Maker

    Howdy, Trying to get skinmaker to work. I press the b button to apply, the application closes and then it is still set to the default skin. Any ideas?
  11. Samurai_Shippo

    Magic The Gathering Life Counter

    Has anyone seen a flash based Magic the Gathering life counter like what is on the iphone and droids? I would like to run one on my Wiz.
  12. Samurai_Shippo

    Masters Of Magic-Dosbox

    I was wondering if anyone has gotten masters of magic working in dosbox. I've got a config file I stole from Master of Orion but dosbox freezes on loading and I have to reset the wiz.