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  1. L - Asus And Intel "community" Developed Pc(!)

    Was on the Interwebs today and discovered this.. apparently Asus and Intel are wanting to collaborate and build a "community" PC. Sounds familiiar?? I reckon it must be some kind of EEE derivative - what else could it be?
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    Interview With Arm Re: Cortex Chips (pandora)

    I sourced this article from Astalavista.. --> ARM into Netbooks QUOTE Mr. Coombs added that certain processor developers were “playing around with gigahertz speeds” using Cortex-A8 architecture. Wonder who they mean :P
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    Pandora & SIP phone apps

    Hi there.. I'm looking for an easy to use SIP / Internet phone app to use with linux (Pandora) to play around with. What are the good ones for sound quality etc?? I'm no dev, but maybe an above average test analyst ^_^ Also what service can I use to call home to the UK landlines? Any help...
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    Whats The Weather Like Where You're From?

    I guess there's different seasons all over the world. Right now in NZ we are coming into Spring time. I woke up this morning and it was kind of sunny so went to work in a light jacket. When I came out at 5pm - it was raining cats and dogs! (got soaked.. definitely not cool!)
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    Folder Synchroniser Program

    I have a 1TB External Drive and a separate 80GB laptop drive in an external shell - each week I like to sort out a playlist for when I go to work and wanted to know what was a good prog for syncronising folders?? I'm on Vista and looking for open source/freeware if possible.. Any help greatly...
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    Pandora Distribution In New Zealand

    Hi all - its been a long time since I've been round here. Although I do lurk from time to time. The GP2X kind of missed me completely as I got more into the NDS scene. However this Pandora gizmo seems to have lit some lightbulbs in what I think I can get it to do. So will it be available over...
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    Help Buying First Motorbike..

    Hi everyone, thought I might try a question on here - since all the motorbike forums out there seem to be drowned out by fanboys etc.. this place might be balanced. I have a limited budget but can get only 250cc here in NZ. Anyone have suggestions? I thought maybe a Kawasaki Sherpa or Honda...
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    Children Of Mana

    I just bought it from GameStop here in Honolulu. Not sure when its out in Australia or UK, so I thought I'd pick it up on my way back through to Oz. Anyone played it yet, thoughts?? I think its pretty good, although nowhere near SD3. The graphics are top notch though.
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    Nintendo Ds For 40 Quid

    I still can't quite believe my luck, I went into EB games in Brisbane and they were flogging second hand DS's for AUS $100 which is around 40 pound back in the UK. I didnt hesitate and snapped one up immediately. I also got Mario for $30 which I guess is around 15 pounds (no pound sign on this...
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    Best Wads On Doom Thread

    Hope someone reads this... but since I found I can play Doom at 40mhz to save on batteries (thanks Tobriand). I've been caning it :) I think the best TC is either Doom64 or the Duke Nukem GP. As for wads, I've been getting a lot out of Alien Vendetta (truly awesome compilation), Memento Mor...
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    Games That Dont Need Juice

    ok, I'm on a bit of a budget right now in Sydney so cant get new batteries for a bit, and the batteries I have are running low. This means all my high power stuff doesnt work any more - no DrMD, OS9x, Doom at 166mhz etc.... So, I'm after games that dont need much juice to run. My examples...
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    Currently Playing...

    Aloha from Hawai'i! I just thought this idea would be pretty cool, since you wouldn't have so many "what are you playing?" threads and also help me find out what is currently popular on the GP32. I don't get much time to check the forums nowadays since Internet cafe time is precious. :( In...
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    Conversion Program

    Just thought this would be a good idea, a conversion program for converting stuff like the pound into dollars, or imperial to metric, miles to kilometres, farenheit to celsius etc.. Have no idea how difficult it would be, just a thought since I'm having trouble working stuff out in the US.
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    Gp32 And Usb On-the-go?

    I'm thinking of buying an Iriver H320 from 7dayshop since its now £199, and wanted to know if anyone had tried the USB On-the-go with the GP32.. Does anyone use USB On-the-go from other products with their GP32 (?) and is it any good? speed etc.. (I've read the Medion thread)
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    Anyone Seen Downfall?

    I went to see it today and thought it was the best film I've seen so far this year. I love it when films like this don't go down the Hollywood lets-rewrite-history route and try to be accurate as possible. If you don't know what its about yet, its about Hitlers last days in the Bunker at...
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    Doctor Who?

    I saw it last night and thought it was quite funny in places. Billie Piper looked ok in it, although I can't help but think how can she have been with that ginger haired freak for two years. :lol: Eccleston did alright though. Will be interesting to see how it pans out if the show becomes a...
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    Has anyone played this? Link is @ Planeshift Its on sourceforge, and is continually updated. Also theres 30,000 people playing and theres no subscription. Anyway, I'm thinking of trying it out (didnt really like Pristontale, there wasnt enough people about in it at the time I played). With...
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    New Bor Mod: Simpsons!!

    Merry Christmas everybody. :) Heres some more BOR news hot off the press.... Simpsons BOR Mod (Its 5mb, so should be good if space on your smc is tight)
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    Fenix Port Of Streets Of Rage

    I know we have Beats of Rage, but I think this is port worthy. I think it should be ported just because it is there to be ported :huh: Anyway link is here Fenix Streets of Rage Also I remember the author saying somewhere he wanted it to be on DC and GP32. I think it was on an old Gamikaze...
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    Hyper Final Fight 2

    From Gamikaze You can either have Arcade music or Streets of Rage music. I've tested it and the PC version works with the GP32. :)