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  • Users: Xcl4m4t10n
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Xcl4m4t10n

    [WTB] Wiz or GameBoy Micro

    Searching for one of these, or both. I want a normal price as I want to play with them, not to collect/resell BS. Thanks.
  2. Xcl4m4t10n

    Asked to change my nickname more than 1 year ago

    What I really want is to delete all my messages and threads but if that can't be done I want to change my nickname. Thank you.
  3. Xcl4m4t10n

    Update PinePhone to have Keayboard and Gamepad It's funny how a real linux device is going to be released with all the needed requirements. I hope they can produce a more "premium" and "compact size" alternatives in the future.
  4. Xcl4m4t10n

    Did I miss something or...

  5. Xcl4m4t10n

    Release Super Mario 64 decompiled source

    I was going to post it on some of the Pandora's forums, but I think it is more a general thing:
  6. Xcl4m4t10n

    Opensource/Free Phones

    I wonder if it's ok to have a thread about the upcomming opensource/free phones (mostly based on linux) that are comming. For now I know about: - PyraPhone - Librem 5. - Neo900. - Pine. Aside of that, which phones does we have on the market using Linux aside of Fairphone 2 and Gemini PDA...
  7. Xcl4m4t10n

    Happy new...

    * 3rd anniversary of the preorders (May 1) * 5th anniversary of the presentation of the Pyra (February 1) * 6th anniversary of the launch of the OMAP5 chip. Happy?
  8. Xcl4m4t10n

    [WTS] Sennheiser Urbanite XL

    General information Headphones. State As new. The pads have been changed for a long time and is used literally 2 times after the change. I sell them because I have other new headphones. Warranty Do not. Price € 40 with expenses included. Accepted payment methods Transfer, deposit or paypal...
  9. Xcl4m4t10n

    Mortal Kombat 3 PS1, PC (Win95) and MKT N64 source codes released on 4chan
  10. Xcl4m4t10n

    Win3mu released
  11. Xcl4m4t10n

    [WTS] Nvidia Shield TABLET

    Like new. More details here:
  12. Xcl4m4t10n

    [WTS] Bliss-Box, Gaming mouse, Nvidia Portable Shield...

    ATTENTION: Automatic translation. I will try to redo the translation later but for now, I have no time. Timestamps: Bliss-Box With its corresponding adapter (even without it) you can plug any controller from any console to the computer without more. The one I sell has never been used ever...
  13. Xcl4m4t10n

    [ATTENTION] "Pyra cancelled, more details soon" [April Fools]

    Happy 1st April! Be honest, and tell us if you fell or not.
  14. Xcl4m4t10n

    [WTB] PSP Go!

    Hello, I want a PSP Go as newer as possible. I heard offers.
  15. Xcl4m4t10n

    Newbie at PCBs development

    Hello community! I NEED to develop some simple PCBs for a project I am running. The idea is to make a 1 layer PCB with a very simple production: It only have to send a sign from point A to point B. The problem is that I have no idea about PCB development so I have few questions to start: -...
  16. Xcl4m4t10n

    How to format internal memory?

    Heya, I want to wipe all the possible data on the main memory of my Pandora, what method is the more quickly and/or fiable? Thank you.
  17. Xcl4m4t10n

    [WTB] Nvidia Shield Portable

    Hello community, After cancel my Pyra (for now) and sell a lot of stuff, I want something to be with me on large trips and I though on a Nvidia Shield Portable. I want something like new so if you want to sell one, upload photos please.
  18. Xcl4m4t10n

    [WTS] RF Headphones, heatsink, accessories and MMO TE mouse

    Family photo with user name: RF Panasonic Wireless Headphones: Working perfectly but with noticeable wear. It price for one headphone and the base is 60€ but I'm selling two of them plus the base for only 25€. Heatsink and accessories: None of this items have been used ever. I only...
  19. Xcl4m4t10n

    Change the mockups

    Hello, With the color already decided, wouldn't be a good Idea change the images on the forum/website to the black version of the case? The red one is very ugly and I saw it is a major topic when you share any Pyra images on other sited (a lot of people complain about the color).