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  • Users: mawler
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  1. M

    Nethack? Debian armel packages and dpkg on the pandora are much more workable than you think...
  2. M

    About Replacement Styli A NDS Lite Stylus works and fits just fine... The one that came with my Pandora was a pain in the ass to remove so I just ordered these and kept the original as a backup.
  3. M

    Pandora Sd Card Fixer,0,0,0,115,88 This is just a quick hack for me to test how to make pandora software but this is still quite useful. Read the description for details. edit: argh the title needs to be sd card SPEED fixer. doh.
  4. M

    Please Add Avfs Into The Pandora Os

    avfs is a program that allows read only access to compressed files ie 7z, bzip, zip and open them as folders. I would also include a script like this one so that when you right click and open a file using that script it will make a symlink folder of the archive: #!/bin/bash mountavfs ln -s...
  5. M

    Compcache For Pandora? For those that do not know what it is. I think this would be helpful for some applications *cough* firefox *cough*
  6. M

    Alternative Package Suggestion For Networking:

    Wicd does not exhibit the networking problems mentioned by Network Manager in the latest Pandora blog post (the default for XFCE and Gnome). You might have to manually reconnect because it takes a while to start doing so but it works a lot better and is a lot more configurable (but is less user...
  7. M

    I Have A Question About The Pnd Format

    I want to know more about the specifics on the way the files are handled in general. Is the PND format a SquashFS file with UnionFS of all the files into the SquashFS file, including any added configuration files, save data, etc, or is it much simpler with just SquashFS with all extra saved...