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    Neon Geometry Acceleration

    Hi I'm currently looking at optimising the geometry code of my project. Originally I was just using standard software routines for geometry functions and although performance was reasonable I knew I would be able to speed it up using the NEON. So far I've just done simple stuff like NEON...
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    Transparency Sorting On The Sgx

    Hi Years ago when I worked on the Dreamcast one of the features it had which we really liked was the fact that it sorted transparencies. Now the SGX is a descendant of the CLX2(the DC's Holly chip) I was always under the impression that it would sort transparencies too but I can't find any...
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    SGX GLES 1.1 performance issues

    Hi So I've managed to get my rendering engine running on a Beagleboard using the SGX. At the moment I'm using GLES 1.1 and I've been having a lot of trouble getting the scene to render at a decent frame rate. The framerate definitely seems to dependant on where the camera is and at the slowest...
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    Depth sorting problems on SGX

    Hi I've almost got my project working on OMAP3 (using a Beagleboard). The Win32 version that uses the ImgTec GLES 1.1 emulator works fine but when I try to run it on the Beagleboard I get loads of depth sorting issues. Has anyone else experienced any problems like this? I was thinking that it...
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    Development Netbook

    Hi there I get the impression that you really need a Linux based PC to develop for the Pandora. Since I only have a Macbook (with unfortunately not enough free HD space for virtual PC or Bootcamp partition). I was wondering whether anyone knows of a Netbook they can recommend for Pandora Dev...
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    Developer Bounties

    Hello! I've seen mentioned on other threads that people are wondering how the developer kitty could be used. One idea that I've seen in other communities is the concept of 'Developer Bounties', this is where rewards are pledged for specific programs or pieces or code that people need/want...
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    Example Makefile For Codesourcery

    Hello Everyone I was thinking of trying to get some code compiling using CodeSourcery Lite and I was wondering if there was any example makefiles to help me get started. An example which uses SDL & OpenGL ES would be ideal but I would be happy with something simple just to get me started. Even...
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    My Dreamcast Port, Where Next?

    Hi As I've mentioned before I've been working on porting an old Dreamcast game to the Pandora. What I have now is a working playable version of the game using OpenGL ES 1.1 for graphics, OpenAL for audio & SDL for reading the controls & basic housekeeping. At the moment I'm using the ImgTech...
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    Pvr Texture Problems On Gles

    Hi All I'm now engaged in the long draw out process of converting all my game textures from DDS DXT textures to PRTC textures. I'm using the PVRTexTool that comes with the ImgTec GLES 1.1 SDK for Windows to convert DDS files to PVR files. I've just written a PVR file loader based on the ImgTech...
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    My Dreamcast Port, Openal & 'hello Triangle'

    Hi all I posted a topic a few weeks back about porting an old Dreamcast game to the Pandora. Since then my initial phase has gone well, I have a working playable version of the game which uses SDL for controls & startup, OpenGL for 3D graphics and OpenAL for audio. I have this running on PC &...
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    Pandora Porting An Old Dreamcast Game To The Pandora

    Hi I'm currently thinking of porting a Dreamcast game that I worked on many years ago to the Pandora. My current plan is this: 1) Convert the game to SDL & OpenGL on my PC and get it working to a similar res to the Pandora. 2) Get a Pandora when they come out and port what I've done so far over...