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    *new* Pandora Logo Thread Alex Suggestion

    As Alex Said, Post logos once, Get them all in Once post, IF you update the logo then please edit the post to reflect this, NO DOUBLE POSTING. I would say, Keep the commenting to a minimun, If you want to comment, go to the other thread. This is where we can get an easy gallery of logos...
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    Pandora Logo?

    Do we have a logo for Pandora Yet? are they having an "open" floor for logo submissions? Is somebody hired? Lee
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    Games That Follow The Gp2x Standards?

    As I get deeper into the gp2x/homebrew community, I realize the usefullness of standards. I was wondering IF it was possible to have say a standards compliant tag? So then people will know that its made following standards and will learn to know about the GP2x standards movement.... ? I'm...
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    GP2X Hardware Guru's Come Out An Play

    If anybody on this forum knows circuitry and or PCB Design If you want to help the GP2x Internet problem , Please PM me! Lee Zero Day Tech.
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    GP2X Rtc Outside Of The Gp2x?

    is it possible to make an external RTC to plug into the EXT port?
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    Wifi Want To Know If In "theory" What Chips Will Work With T

    I'm trying to develop a wifi "Box" to sell to users to use on the gp2x system. I need to know if only the rt2570 series chips will work.. or will any 2.4 kernel chip work? thanks, zdAtK
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    Need Help With Making A New Version Of Drsnes...

    looking for a tut or somebody willing to help me code/ tutor me to get my touchscreen Snes menus!
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    Arm Assembly Or High Level.. How Much Of A Performace Difference?

    I want to start programing for my gp2x and I was wondering by how much is ARM assembly faster/ more efficient then a high level language? Goals - touch screen Drsnes ;)
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    Need A Few Questions Answered About A Bob Or An Artaylor Usb Hub...

    Ok my questions 1) with a USB hub connected to the gp2x through the ext can you run .gpe's off of a usb stick /key/ insert whatever you call it here? 2)If so do you need drivers or any special code? 3)power to this USB hub, 5v, Now if I plug in 5 1.2v AA batts = 5.6v, Need a voltage...
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    Gpe... Not As A Tarball?

    Is it possible to send the GPE for GP2x in a zip folder? I want to try it out and see if I can use it or Help its growth.... I currently don't have a linux rig running.... If somebody has it or can zip it for me pm me or post here...! thanks zdATK
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    Custom Painting A Gp2x?

    Wondering If anyone ever painted one? If so easy/ hard? Im thinking about a custom starwars paint job :D
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    F200 Nand Could It Be Used As Ram?

    Possible ? maybe not plauseable but is it possible?
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    Gpe Or Qtopia On An F200 Done Yet?

    ^^ I was wondering if anybody had gpe or qtopia on a gp2x f200? how would I go about doing that? Thanks zdATK
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    How To Make A Ext Usb Host? Like Artaylor... Or Rather Where To Get A

    I want to use my gp2x for gaim in bed :D and i need to make a usb host to get an internet signal.. where can I find a EXT cable at? is it a standard stlye or GP2x exclusive? any ideas leads info would be greatly Aprreaciated. Thanks, zDatk
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    Instant Messaging On A Gp2x?

    i know you can wifi a gp2x so i was wondering if anybody had used aim or any instant messenger on it yet? thanks, ZD_4TK
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    Li-po/on Batts In A Gp2x?

    ive seen battery packs that are the same size at 2 AA and are set up the same that are ment to take the place of 2 traditional AA's , my question is, Does anybody use them?