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  • Users: Fruity
  • Content: Threads
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  1. F

    My F-100 Is Now On Ebay !

  2. F

    Gp2x F-200 High Quality Demo On Stage 6

    Taken directly from the F-200 bundled disc. Thought some of you may like to see it:- I have now received my replacement for the f-200 with the faulty SD slot and power switch but the new one's not much better. I have to use my...
  3. F

    Gp2x F-200 High Quality Demo On Stage 6

    Sorry - ignore this. Posted twice by accident :blink:
  4. F

    New F-200 Vid On Youtube And Stage6

    Finally recieved my f-200 and it's got problems so it's gonna have to go back. Not a happy bunny ! The Video Clip STAGE6 - (complete clip, best quality) YouTube - (slighty shorter, lower...
  5. F

    Anyone Tried An 8gb Sdhc Card In The F200 Yet?

    Or has anyone tried an even larger size? I need to buy a large card (at least 8GB) but want to make sure I get one that works ok. Apparently the F200 is compatible with cards up to 32GB !!! Can you even get 32GB cards?
  6. F

    Important - All Must Read !

    I have a GP2x F100, only a few months old. I bought a 2GB Kingston memory card which is compatible with the GP2X. USING A CARD READER ! If I accidently tried tried to copy more than 2GB of data accross I would get the usual error message - the device is full type of thing, which is perfectly...
  7. F

    Funny That If You Exceed The Sd Card Capacity, You Have To Re-format &

    I have a GP2x F100, only a few months old. I bought a 2GB Kingston memory card which is compatible with the GP2X. Using a Card Reader If I accidently tried to copy more than 2GB of data accross I would get the usual error message - the device is full type of thing, which is perfectly normal...
  8. F

    Anyone Received Their F-200 Yet ?

    I ordered mine from ages ago and was told mid October but here we are approaching the end of the month and it's still not with me and I paid for Special Delivery ! Anyone got their's yet? Can't believe how long it's taking. :angry:
  9. F

    Annoying Lines In Squidge Snes And Pocket Snes.

    I have noticed that pretty much every Snes game has wavy lines through it especially when images are moving. This is very noticible on Pinball Fantasies and much easier to see when using the TV out. Doesn't matter whether I try Squidge or Pocket Snes, they behave the same. I have tried...
  10. F

    Lines On Most Games In Squide Snes And Pocket Snes.

    I have noticed that pretty much every Snes game has wavy lines through it especially when images are moving. This is very noticible on Pinball Fantasies and much easier to see when using the TV out. Doesn't matter whether I try Squidge or Pocket Snes, they behave the same. I have tried...
  11. F

    Noticed Lines On Most Snes Games Using Squidge Snes Or Pocket Snes

    I have noticed that pretty much every Snes game has wavy lines through it especially when images are moving. This is very noticible on Pinball Fantasies and much easier to see when using the TV out. Doesn't matter whether I try Squidge or Pocket Snes, they behave the same. I have tried...
  12. F

    I've Just Ordered My F200 From

    Hi guys :D I'm a little gutted as I have just bought a F100 value pack a few weeks ago and I have just found out about the new F200 :angry: Even so, I have decided to order a F200 as are now taking orders. I feel the only way i'm going to find out if it's any better is by...
  13. F

    Anyone Tried This Card ?

    Just ordered this :- Does anyone know if it's any good and how many clusters should I format it to ?
  14. F

    How Come I Can Only Use 2gb Of A 4gb Card Sd Card ?

    Hi guys :) I recently bought a 4gb Kingston SD card which I beleive is non SDHC. My PC reads the card as 4gb but only allows me to write on 2GB of it ! The computer still displays that there is 2gb free space but I can't use it ! I have tried 4 different card readers. Whats going on ?!?
  15. F

    How Do I Play Video Files On My New Gp2x ?

    I have put over 100 various random clips downloaded from various websites such as bore me and ebaums world onto the SD card but when I open the player it cannot see any of them when I browse. Please can someone help :(