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  • Users: rsuryase
  • Content: Threads
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  1. R

    Tutorial For Getting Usb Controllers To Work On Caanoo.

    I just purchased a Tomee SNES USB Controller. I'm trying to get it to work on my Caanoo. Is there a tutorial wiki page? Which emulators works with USB controllers? Only the directional button work automatically on Picodrive, the other buttons don't work. I couldn't get them to bind.
  2. R

    Just sold Pandora to UK customer, does he have to pay custom fees?

    I'm in the USA. Just sold 1 GHz Pandora to UK customer for $580 on ebay. What should I put in Country of Origin? USA or Germany? Does the UK customer have to pay custom fees? If so, how much?
  3. R

    1 GHz Pandora for sale on ebay. [SOLD]

    I'm selling my 1 GHz Pandora on ebay. I paid $720 for it, selling it for $590 shipped in the USA. International shipping is extra. Please check it out if interested.
  4. R

    How to show CPU load and FPS in Mupen64?

    How to show CPU load and FPS in Mupen64? Thanks in advance.
  5. R

    How to change CPU clock on Mupen64+?

    I have a 1 GHz Pandora. Mupen64+ says CPU clock is 800. How to increase it to 1100?
  6. R

    Why does the Pandora have a widescreen when most emulated games are 4:3?

    I see black borders in most games. Also I noticed the LCD screen is too dark, it gets brighter when u look down or up at the screen. Its seems the backlights are at the top and bottom of the screen. I already have LCD brightness at 54 which is highest setting. The screen also can't stay...
  7. R

    Where Can I Buy A Caanoo/wiz Tv-Out Cable?

    I know there is an option to build one but its easier for me to buy one. Thanks.
  8. R

    Remarkable Improvement Pocketsnes 7.20

    Games that were 10 fps on 6.50 is now 50-60 fps on 7.20. Amazing, same speed as on my iphone4.
  9. R

    Icontrolpad + Iphone4 > Caanoo/wiz

    Just got my iControlPad, it's pretty good. I'm having problems with fighting games because of unresponsive d-pad but they gonna send me a new membrane to fix it. I play mostly RPG however. I'm using Snex9x EX which is better than snes4iphone. Graphics is smooth on retina display. Games all play...
  10. R

    Caanoo Battery Drains In 36 Hours.

    Caanoo battery drains from full to empty in 36 hours without usage. What to do? Send to Korea for replacement?
  11. R

    Icontropad Wouldnt response time via BT be slower than a dock connector?
  12. R

    Odroid Gen 1 For Sale $100.

    I have gen 1 Odroid 800MHz with Android 1.5 for sale. Include original packaging. 1 battery, 2GB microSD, usb cable. Main unit is in very good condition. I will email you pics if interested.
  13. R

    Snes4Iphone On Ipad. :)

    I'm playing snes4iphone on my iPad, enlarged 2X. It's pretty nice, like a jumbo Gameboy. Graphics when enlarged are not that pixelated. Oversize controls are not bad either. 1GHz CPU. Aspect ratio maintained. Happy camper. :) . PS: I'm getting an iPhone 4, too bad snes4iphone doesn't maintain...
  14. R

    Fire Emblem - Monshou No Nazo Translation Patch I can't get the above translation patch to work in Pocketsnes Wiz or Caanoo. The game loads fine but garbage appears when going into battle. It works fine however on a pc using snes9k 0.09. Can you try and see if it works for u? I had to use SNESTool to add...
  15. R

    Tweeterman287 Reviews Caanoo. He's also waiting for his Pandora. :)
  16. R

    Can't Believe Handheld Today Is Faster Than My First Computer.

    My first Windows computer was a Pentium 133 Packard Bell. Handhelds surpasses this speed years ago. Does this mean in 10 years, a portable device will be faster than my quad core 2.4 GHz? Cool. :D
  17. R

    Anyone Porting Pocketsnes To Caanoo?

    Snes9x4C is kinna slow.
  18. R

    Cannot Connect

    According to, is up but i can't connect to it. I live in CA, I use Does works for you?
  19. R

    Couldn't Gph Used A Faster Cpu For Caanoo?

    Couldn't GPH used a faster CPU for Caanoo while retaining compatibility with Wiz software/coding? I mean Wiz software had to be recompiled anyway to use in Caanoo. Would be nice if Caanoo is faster than the Wiz.
  20. R

    Why So Little Rpg On Gbc? GBC 32mbit max carts should be more than enough for RPGs, I'm surprised there are so little of them. Is it because of the small screen? Even sadder no one has completed a FAQ for some of the popular Japanese RPGs.