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  1. Sigurd

    Test a game!

    Hi guys! My girlfriend is doing a university project with her group and they want to get their game tested. It would be super awesome if you guys / girls would give it a try. The group is very low on participants so all feedback is appreciated. Link to the game...
  2. Sigurd

    Pandora shop in Paris. Selling Pandora units and spare parts + repairs.

    Maybe an idea: get one active pandora into the windows and keep it running some kind of looped gameplay video?
  3. Sigurd

    Grooveshark HTML 5

    Mmm, might be a problem with my version of java. can't seem to get the alternative installed trough the pnd
  4. Sigurd

    Grooveshark HTML 5

    Its odd, because at first I too thought that Grooveshark was broke. But it works fine on my Win 7 pc :/
  5. Sigurd

    Grooveshark HTML 5

    Hi everyone, I have been trying out diffrent webservices. Namely the public wifi we have in danish trains and the html5 version of grooveshark. I have gotten none of these to work. The problem with the public wifi is that I hang on the authentication which is done via the web browser...
  6. Sigurd

    Baldurs Gate:EE And GemRB

    According to what i can find, the maintainers of GemRB does not feel that the changes are going to impact the their compatebility of the enchanced game. The thing i am primarily worried about is GemRB + BG:EE + Pandora = ??
  7. Sigurd

    Baldurs Gate:EE And GemRB

    This is what haves me worried a bit: "Rebuilt Renderer. The renderer was also cleaned up, and ported entirely to OpenGL for better performance. The graphics are now 100% hardware accelerated." from...
  8. Sigurd

    Baldurs Gate:EE And GemRB

    Hello, I have recently purchased Baldurs Gate 1 from and am currently experiencing the awesome feeling of playing a very good RPG on the Pandora. I have had no problems running it trough gemRB 7.0.1 and everything is fine and dandy. However i was wondering, since Baldurs Gate enhanced...
  9. Sigurd

    What software are we still missing on Pandora? (A Wish List)

    I would very much like to see some kind of app / web-plugin / something to play music from Grooveshark or Spotify. Ive been looking around, but the options that are in place either don't work or i can't get them to work. Grooveshark has recently implemented a HTML5 version of their website but...
  10. Sigurd

    Problems with PanDebian

    Hmm, odd that it only works on some Pandoras... seems to me like there would have to be a reason behind it. Could it be the swap file or similar that could be something wrong with? I'm using squeeze with a loopback...something..
  11. Sigurd

    Problems with PanDebian

    I am unsure whether this is the right forum for this topic, but here goes... I am having issues with an installation of PanDebian, everything installs fine but i can't seem to be able to open the chromium browser that i installed in pandebian. The only thing i have to go on is the error i get...
  12. Sigurd

    Problems with Firefox

    I did indeed try to delete both the appdata folder and the PND it self. I also tried downloading a fresh PND from some new sources. I eventually gave up and just went for a reflashing instead: Oddly enough it works fine now, so I don't know if Firefox makes some kind of data file somewhere...
  13. Sigurd

    Release 3.2 kernel issue tracking thread

    Thanks mate, that did it >.< Ill give it a go, but it sounds promising already tbh..
  14. Sigurd

    Release 3.2 kernel issue tracking thread

    I am running SZ Beta5a with the 3.2 kernel :)
  15. Sigurd

    Cannot Change CPU Speed

    I am having similar issues with Firefox. I am also running on a Kingston 16GB SDHC Class 4. However I'm using Super Zaxxon Beta 5.
  16. Sigurd

    Release 3.2 kernel issue tracking thread

    sudo rmmod wl1251_sdio wl1251 Gives Error: "ERROR: Module wl1251_sdio does not exist in /proc/modules" And "ERROR: Module wl1251 does not exist in /proc/modules" sudo insmod path/to/extracted/wl1251.ko Gives Error: "insmod: error inserting '/media/mmcblk0p1/wl1251.ko': -1 Unknown...
  17. Sigurd

    Problem: Wifi connects to router, but not to internet

    I seem to have been having these exact same issues. I get an IP-Address, but some really unstable internet. This has mainly been a problem at work where we use a WPA2-Enterprise, running PEAP with no certificates. At home I've had the same problem, my Wifi uses WPA2-Personal. However, on my...
  18. Sigurd

    Problems with Firefox

    I tried completely removing it. But it has not been re-created.
  19. Sigurd

    Problems with Firefox

    It's fairly huge. 60.2MB EDIT: hmm.but the chromium PND is 54 ...
  20. Sigurd

    Problems with Firefox

    I already did, from and via the PNDstore. when i try to open Firefox the sd access blink once and then no more. It's all very odd :/ EDIT: Just on a side note. Chrome opens and runs fine..