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  • Users: Alvin
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    Usb Tiny Thumbpad Keyboard

    Some guy trying to make a clip-on BoB a while back was using this, so I'd assume it works.
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    Pdf Reader

    theoddbot made one using poppler which was adequate for small PDF files with no images. When trying to view large PDF files or images, it'd take ages. I'm not sure if this "Adobe Reader LE" SDK can match poppler in speed, but it's worth a shot.
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    New Bob ???

    The current BoB does it too, you know.
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    New Bob ???

    That's only possible on MK2s.
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    New Bob ???

    It's still December ;) . Craig said January or February if I heard correct on IRC.
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    Gp2x Cant Does ....

    s fa<zulygvfl.ugblygfuyfgrHNTYFL,UHL.UJ
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    Gp2x Programming Made Easier

    1. Good luck finding others as crazy as you to do this 2. Programming in machine language sounds more barable than what you describe
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    Compiling Blackbox

    Woo, it's getting there. I fixed a few more build problems, but this one has me stuck: /usr/local/gp2xdev/lib/gcc/gp2x/4.0.2/../../../../gp2x/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/gp2xdev/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)...
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    Compiling Blackbox

    Alright, since I've taken a great interest in Orkie's X11 server, I'm trying to compile blackbox. Everything compiles fine after a few very minor tweaks (a few missing includes), however when make tries to link, I get the following errors...
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    According to the readme, it only does TV-out at 320x240 at the moment (0.3). Also, Dillo comes with GPE which uses this, although GPE is really slow. The X server itself runs very fast, it's things like GPE that are intensive to the limited resources the GP2X has to offer.
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    A while back Orkie ported X11 (XFree86 4.3) to the GP2X, but I've only seen one project come out of it and almost nobody speak of it. Orkie uploaded some of his already-compiled binaries that work on his X server - I tried them over telnet and most of them (with the exception of xdm, xcalc and...
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    Widescreens On Handhelds

    It sure beats being like you.
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    Widescreens On Handhelds

    HEY GUYS, I'M A GURU WHICH GIVES ME THE RIGHT TO BE A TROLL AND ANNOY EVERYBODY (EVEN EPICENTER) AND BE STUPID IN GENERAL. I think the current resolution is fine. Increasing it will just make the machine bigger than needed.
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    Invalid Type Combination In Ordering Comparison.

    Wow, I don't know how you managed to figure that out, but it works. I've used fflush(stdout); instead, since I don't want garbage output, and it seems to work fine. Thanks :)
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    Invalid Type Combination In Ordering Comparison. tries SDL_Flip(). Let me elaborate. I have a pointer array of block classes in my game class (main class). Each block has it's own SDL_Surface * entity, and so on (see below for source). Each pointer is initialised in the game class with the block constructor. Every surface in the grid...
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    My Homemade Gp2x Stand

    Very professional. Good job.
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    Wishlist For Firmware Updates

    This is because the GP2X displays at a low resolution. On big screens, it looks blocky. It's like running 800x600 on a 30" monitor. I'm not sure if it's possible to change this without breaking almost everything homebrew with TV-out.
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    Make two scripts, then run them together: <energysaver script path> & <gmenu2x script path> Remove anything that starts gp2xmenu though (i.e. from an energysaver script). Edit: If that fails, you can always use nohup, although that will write to ./nohup.out and there's no flag not to, so it...