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  • Users: Tobs
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  1. T

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    Sure, but the difference here is that there's fairly decent evidence that very few units are shipping. Maybe some are shipping from ED/America, but not from Craig's store. I don't get how most of these conversations turn this way, we all want Pandoras to ship right? And it's pretty clear...
  2. T

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    I think he said he was #96 in the premium queue earlier. Regardless, the issue is that no units are shipping from Craig (no premiums, so almost definitely no originals either). I've asked a few times for information from him, and I appreciate that it depends on a few variables so his answers...
  3. T

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    I agree not everyone's going to post, but we can see from order positions of who has posted how many have shipped. 4 years' wait and Craig's attitude is getting too much for me, I'll probably refund if they don't start shipping by the end of the month... @WorldTripping: I'm actually #112 in...
  4. T

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    Hasn't been any Pandoras shipped from Craig in almost a month. Or at least, few enough that noone's posted about it, and there's definitely been less than 15 premiums shipped, else I'd have mine... http://boards.openpa...s/page__st__400 Edit: make that almost two, minus one being shipped...
  5. T

    Release The new website

    Perhaps mention Tomb Raider is run in an emulator, since it's not too clear? "Tomb Raider - PS1 emulation @ 30FPS"? Also, some meta tags (keyword/description) never hurt!
  6. T

    Ouya - Android based open gaming console

    It's the definition of open that gets them sales! There's enough truely open devices out there that we gain almost nothing from the Ouya being open (dev friendly doesn't need to be completely open), but "open" is becoming an advertising buzzword for "slightly less restrictive than our...
  7. T

    Ouya - Android based open gaming console

    She said on a podcast interview (can't remember which one, sorry) that rooted devices wouldn't be allowed access to the application store. This implies that the default OS will be fairly restricted, unable to copy game files etc, else what's the purpose of blocking rooted access?
  8. T

    Where has the thread I commented in gone ?

    Hi ED. I really do appreciate the work which goes in to making sure that classic preorders are still delivered, despite you making a loss. The thing is, there's around 30 orders (including the OP and I) which were upgraded a month or more ago, but haven't been shipped. I might be wrong, but I...
  9. T

    Where has the thread I commented in gone ?

    Hi, that was my question I believe. Sony hides questions there to give Craig a chance to answer them, before they get many possibly inaccurate answers (it now says this in the rules there). I emailed (and so did someone here) after Craig didn't respond, and it looks like the next shipment should...
  10. T

    Upgrade your Classic CC Pandora to a brand new GC one!

    Further to that, why haven't (Craig's) upgraded orders been shipped, if production speed isn't the problem? I thought that was half of the point of upgrading an order?
  11. T

    Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

    Orders were only open initially for that first weekend, but they're getting to the end of those orders now. We should find that the density of orders after that is significantly lower, maybe only several hundred orders in total, so you hopefully don't have as long to wait as you think...
  12. T

    Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

    Excellent news, despite the minor (?) setback with the shoulders, thanks for letting us know :)
  13. T

    Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

    Hey Craig, whilst you're here... any word on how often you're getting units shipped from ED? Seems like you got at least 20 out today which is awesome, would be nice to forcast when we can expect delivery :)
  14. T

    Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

    Upgraded my order a few days ago and got this as part of the email response, I wonder if anyone finds it useful.
  15. T

    DinoDefense - Too easy? Too hard? Just right?

    With most tower defence style games there exists a guaranteed win strategy, such as spamming a certain turret, but I struggled to find a simple one in DinoDefence. Most of the levels I managed first or second time which is probably how it should be, but a few I got more stuck on. Grinding helped...
  16. T

    Discussion: An Xbox Live like system for Pandora [split from other topic]

    I completely agree, we're starting to see some games having people wanting to find online cohorts, but no where to turn to; an immediate problem wants an immediate solution. Apologies for spreading discussion between two topics, I knew I should've posted in the other one :)
  17. T

    Discussion: An Xbox Live like system for Pandora [split from other topic]

    Saw some discussion on this in another thread (about the Jabber server), and I figure I'd mention I'm working on something like this. I'm wanting to keep it simple (accounts, high-scores, achievements and matchmaking only) whilst I develop the stack (easy to use library connects to low-footprint...
  18. T

    3D Tower Defence - WIP

    Hi Enoch, I'm also busy with University assignments until the end of April, so that works pretty well :) Got any examples of what you can do, or a gallery anywhere?
  19. T

    3D Tower Defence - WIP

    Only some little bits, I'm mostly drowning in other work at the moment. I'll pick it up again once I have my Pandora, or if I stumble upon anyone interested in picking up the graphics side of it. Toby
  20. T

    3D Tower Defence - WIP

    Maybe, I don't have my Pandora yet though so I doubt I'll be able to finish and port this before the end of the competition. Still going strong, though I had a long break until a week or two ago. Yeah there's lots of little graphical tweaks to make, things to pretty it up and the like. You only...