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  1. donfabio

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Just added my example to the GLES article on the wiki ( and mentioned the env variable trick. I think it's much easier to find stuff on the Wiki than buried on some page in some forum thread.
  2. donfabio

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Thank you for your quick reply. That did the trick. My game is now displaying perfectly. :)
  3. donfabio

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Hello, I'm trying to get GLES2 working using SDL2, but shaders always report compilation failure with empty error logs. glGetError() also reports 0. I wrote a very simple test, which should display a red triangle using a shader on a blue background (at least it does on my PC). Here's my build...
  4. donfabio

    Wallpapers for Pyra

    I liked @elvissteinjr glowy stuff so I decided to update my wallpaper to make the logo a bit more fiery and the text more readable. I hope you like it. :) Edit: changed the Dragonbox text to make it a little less dull
  5. donfabio

    Pyra Media Coverage

    Regarding this render: As a Blender user it's obvious that there must be a missing texture of the screen (the pink rectangle reflected in some of the buttons)...
  6. donfabio

    ... we're still alive!

    Yes! So worth the extra 7€ for not having to worry about storage. :D Also nice benefit of being able to use more speedy internal memory instead of relying on SD cards.
  7. donfabio

    Wallpapers for Pyra

    Thanks. :) I'm not sure on how to do flames that look acceptable. Photo-sourcing might not work too well and I'm no expert on doing a simulation. Well I can't take credit for that. Those were the ones suggested in the official logo thread...
  8. donfabio

    Wallpapers for Pyra

    I tried to make something like which I think is the one used in the product renders. The one I made with the text could probably still use some effect/texture.