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  • Users: clop
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  1. clop

    Release [Port] Residual

    Well done, lemondragon :D Please warn me when you put this up on the repo, so I can remove the old version.
  2. clop

    Release Barrage: User feedback

    Thanks for your tests porg! Sadly, IRL is a bit crowded right now, further modifications will have to wait a week or two. Don't hesitate to bug me if it takes too long!
  3. clop

    Release [Port] Residual

    Ok, thanks for feedback and sorry about delaying new update. The renaming has been a bit annoying and as I'm sick as hell, I didn't looked into it. I will try to use my sunday morning hours of calm to look into it :)
  4. clop

    Pynotify module : big issue

    Hi, I checked pynotify on two of my Linux boxes. On one, it was not present at all, on the other one, it was in a sub-folder of gtk-2.0 in the dist-packages folder. When I looked into the "pynotify folder", I saw an and a "" . As far as I understand this, pynotify is...
  5. clop

    Release [Port] Residual

    Hi, I updated my Residual sources and build a PND. As project changed name (from just residual to residualvm), a lot of things might break with the PND (mostly dealing with paths). As my Pandora has been stolen, could someone please test it? If so, please check first if it's working ( :)...
  6. clop

    Release Barrage: User feedback

    Hi again, Some feedback on your feedback :) First, you give me too much credit, Barrage was a straight port (and one of my first), so good controls are to be credited to the original author (M.Speck) and adaptation to Pandora to pure luck. Second, I lost the ported source code :( So I...
  7. clop

    Release Barrage: User feedback

    Hi, I came back from vacations yesterday, just read this. I will take a look and come back to you in the next days :) Unfortunately, I haven't got my Pandora anymore, so I may need someone to test te modifications. Clop'
  8. clop

    Release SLUDGE Adventure Engine now with GLES2 support

    It was totally my fault :/ I feel terribly guilty for the poor baby.
  9. clop

    Release SLUDGE Adventure Engine now with GLES2 support

    Haven't tested since my last post. And won't be able to test more, as my Pandora has been stolen in the train :/
  10. clop

    Has anyone produced anything with Pygame?

    My Rebirth entry (Wicket) was in Python/PyGame. Was running smoothly but wasn't really demanding. Whole screen scrolling was a bit tricky to get smooth.
  11. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    Well, I'm happy it worked! and disappointed quality is not there... Anyhow, it was a fun journey for me, and make me finally set up the kernel cross-compile setup I wanted ;) I don't know enough about DVB-T to help you more :/ I don't know if RAM could be an issue, for example? Maybe a swap...
  12. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    Well, nicely done! I hope it works! If you ever go back to your previous firmware, new module has been uploaded at same URL.
  13. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    Well, I'm running Release 1.5 Super Saxxon beta 5 :) Haven't updated to the 5a yet... So two solutions: * I'll update and rebuild the thing, but won't do that today as I'm testing some software on it right now * You send me the config of your kernel and I try with that one. The config...
  14. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    Arf... I need to check exactly my running version, as I was able to modprobe it on mine ... I'll check here later with the info, but it's starting to feel like you will need to wait for next firmware release :/ Sorry
  15. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    Yop, Thanks to mcobit, find a "modprobable" module there: http://depot.doumenc...ra/dvb-as102.ko Backup previous module (you can find it in /lib/modules/3.2.17/kernel/drivers/staging/media/as102/ ) and copy this one there. Modprobe it ( sudo modprobe dvb-as102 ), plug your device and tell...
  16. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    Any idea where it is located on the fs? I'll try that tonight. Thanks for your help!
  17. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    Ok I tried and failed! How do you compile a kernel with the default config and a module that's not in it? Or do I make my config badly? I followed wiki and copied the defconfig from pandora-firmware, as-102 was not checked. How can that be, as it is already in the firmware? Dunno what to...
  18. clop

    How different is GLES 1 from GL ?

    Nice eye, Exophase, that was it! That's the problem with first steps, I just assumed that part from the GL->GLES porting tutorial. I really need to better understand what I'm doing :) Thanks!
  19. clop

    How different is GLES 1 from GL ?

    ...glLoadIdentity(); glOrthof(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); } void drawTriangle(GLfloat *vertices, GLfloat *color) { glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY)...
  20. clop

    Request/Bounty: Compile Linux Driver for DVB-Stick, get 50€ for your time

    As always, Notaz nailed it. dmesg says "disagrees about version of symbol module_layout" . Google says that means different configs between running kernel and built kernel. I'll rebuild my kernel with original config tonight (must have messed something).