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  1. C

    32X Progress

    well.. here is the update: I tried removing all those "export POLLUX" settings in the Picodrive.gpe as you suggested, saved the newly edited GPE file with MS Windows Notepad it still doesn't work (just shows a black screen and hangs machine :( ) I decided to take the risk and loaded the...
  2. C

    Anyone Willing To Finish Phoneme?

    ...1.0.1 with mister-hachi game work with the Vocamaster F-300 as well? I am guessing that it requires all the export "POLLUX" settings in its *.GPE file to be removed (OpenJazzWiz doesn't have these in the GPE thats why it works on F-300.. but not CommanderKeenWiz for some reasons), as certain...
  3. C

    Very Very Happy Its Better Then Sex And Lasts Longer

    Hi Red Baron, Good and glad to hear you got what you want :-D Hope you will enjoy it. My GP2X F-200 is not new anymore I think its really really difficult to find F-200 in the top notch condition like yours nowadays so treasure it :)
  4. C

    32X Progress

    Thanks for offering to fix the problem.. I've tried sbock's suggestion method to cut the 120hz display timing, it still doesn't work I've been trying to get emulators like GPFce, PocketSNES to work on the F300 but they don't seem to work or work properly for some reasons.. (as in the case with...
  5. C

    32X Progress

    Note: I tried doing that by removing LCD Timings but still doesn't work.. So far I only managed to download rage2x and gngeo_0.7 (fixes the screen tearing) from If you found more F300 fixed versions of GP2X/Wiz emulators like MAME4all from there.. please let me know many thanks :)...
  6. C

    Gpsp V0.9-2xb-u6

    can anyone tell me if this emu work with the F-300 ? any help is appreciated, thanks
  7. C


    Hi Pickle, Sorry for the late reply. Yes the Vocamaster F-300 is very nice. If you like to learn Korean.. it is rumoured to have some Wiz hardware inside.. It uses the same LCD from GP2X F-200 MK2, it supports MP3,clock function/OpenJazz/Commander and some games and emu and runs on a unique...
  8. C


    Hi, Thanks for your help Pickle well my Vocamaster F-300 firmware is 1.1 (January 2009) I tested the OpenJazzWiz and it works to my surprise, it doesn't rely on the OLED LCD screen Yay!! Many Thanks :)
  9. C


    Yes, just download it., However, it doesn't work with my F-200 (any fixes? :)) I think that works with the Vocamster F-300 too :)
  10. C


    Thanks again, also I like Commander Keen games :) Oh I see. Credits to both you and alister. ;)
  11. C

    32X Progress

    Thanks, tried that but it doesn't work on the F-300.. I think I will try again (the April version of F-300) so, any fixes? Please please fix this issue.
  12. C

    Pocketsnes 6.5.0 Final Version Released

    NO Pandora I don't really like Pandora :gp2x
  13. C

    Super Mario Rpg Emulation On The Wiz (Snes)

    Hello. Interesting post and info. Where can I download the Wiz version of PocketSNES and Picodrive, could you please help me? I need to beta test them.. Thanks I really appreciate it =)
  14. C


    Thanks for your help Pickle, I founded the shareware version of Jazz 1 and downloaded it.. your work is really amazing!! Jazz is my favourite DOS game too :) I tested it on my Gp2x F-300 with v1.1 firmware (yes thats right Vocamaster F-300 I bet it has almost Wiz compatibility except it...
  15. C

    32X Progress

    I tested a few games on my F-300 with v1.1 FW : Colourd - doesn't work Picodrive 1.56 doesn't work properly (there is LCD screen tear issue?) OpenJazzWiz works (Important Use only Wiz version other it won't work) To start the game Press Upper Right Button to play the game Yay!! :) Note: the...
  16. C


    Sorry, How do you run this software (does it support Wiz too?), just curious, do you have the full version of Jazz Jackrabbit 1 available for download? I am willing to beta test it. Does OpenJazz support Jazz Jackrabbit part 2? Many thanks for any help.. :)
  17. C

    32X Progress

    ...for the reply. Hmm... I heard Korean rumors that the later F-300 Vocamaster batches such as April 2009 v2.x version fixes this. I don't know if its true or not I will experiment some *.gpe games and apps on it,(from the Launcher option; maybe Propis would work) and will let you know of the...
  18. C

    32X Progress

    well nope.. i really need to find someone to help me to run Wiz software on my F-300 (January 2009 v1.0 version) I need to patch them? if so, how? Thanks for any help and info..
  19. C

    32X Progress

    whats so good about pandora? What a pandora box..
  20. C

    32X Progress

    but Picodrive update for the GP2X will be updated right? sorry, but I don't think I will recognize Pandora or PSP. as they will not be encouraging news for GPH. well unless GENmobile or RetroGEN 2nd batch is released and has better compatibility this may change :P