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  1. B

    Custom TV-out Cable Pre-orders (Split from other topic)

    Anyone know where Peca went? I had some shipping issues on some parts, but now I can't reach him through PM.
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    Mini Metal Pandora

    How about a render, then? I think you'd mentioned those at one point?
  3. B

    Mini Metal Pandora

    Got any pictures yet?
  4. B

    $1 Pandora.

    Not that I've heard. Nor have I seen any images/renders/anything else about the mini pandora, either, though something was to be posted, in theory.
  5. B

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    I stand corrected. I apparently had the false assumption that the boards were made at CC, given that it was always called "the board company", and since one of the big reasons given not to switch away from CC was how hard it was to make the board (8 layers, don't'cha know!). I'd also thought...
  6. B

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    That's possible - though it was unclear from the the ordering in ED's post. Though, while this year's issue was happening, some of OPT made it sound like production was still going on. But even if it was the recent failure, the post he made about it said "It just seems to not have a proper...
  7. B

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    Sorry, I have to disagree with you here. The WiFi *was* their fault, remember? It was an issue with a trace resistance changing, throwing off the clock. See old blog. Sure, we can argue about whether CC was free to change it, or if it was OPT's fault for not specifying that it had to be a...
  8. B

    Battery Charge Light

    Sorry, I was referring to this thread, starting at about here Where some people were turning off, and some were trickling. Ahh. A nice machine. It's possible you have some similar setting on. You could try checking under the advanced battery management settings.
  9. B

    Battery Charge Light

    Ahh. Good to know. Was this then changed in HF5? Because the other thread was still talking about trickling. I'll try your script tonight. Out of curiosity, what model of Lenovo do you have? I have one that's a little over a year old, and it doesn't oscillate in charge - it stays at the...
  10. B

    About Replacement Styli

    @Elton - I agree. I think they treated you poorly, ant it was a very unfortunate experience. Since I (unfortunately) didn't donate, I haven't seen what emails they sent to your backers. But I feel like you at least deserved an official, proper explanation sent out by them. I also think that...
  11. B

    About Replacement Styli

    Yes. However, I'd like to hear first about how the 3DS stylus fits in the Pandora, since it's different than the DSi one. It looks like the 3DS stylus will fit in the DSi, but it may be different enough to not work so well inside a Pandora. And then there's the fact that I'm not as big of a fan...
  12. B

    About Replacement Styli

    That's unfortunate. I would have pledged if I had known it would fit, but as I don't own a DS, a DS stylus was of no use to me. Sadly, it looks like it's a moot point, anyway - My...
  13. B

    Pandora Price Increase!

    ...the second-batch stickers ready, by now. 1) If it was a special offer, maybe. But the decision to do this, and delay all the preordered Pandoras *affects* everyone still in the queue. If they had to do it, that's one thing. But not letting people who don't read the forums about it, even...
  14. B

    Pandora Price Increase! great, and $750 more than you'd make if they were $350 a pop. And you get that money whether or not there are any cancellations. But that's only *if* you get those 5 new orders, and you've said yourself that there haven't been too many premium orders. On the other hand, 5 cancellations...
  15. B

    Pandora Price Increase!'ll take him to court". I know wriggling can be done on both sides. Is why I think such a lawsuit wouldn't work. It's not like a book or DVD where it's clearly the *exactly* same item. I'm sure selling a limited edition game in a different box/case/label-picture would qualify as being...
  16. B

    Pandora Price Increase!

    But getting more money from some premium units doesn't help prevent CC from being slow at production (like they've been) and people still canceling, anyway. And you can only sell the canceled units at a higher price if your batch 2 is all full. Which you've told us it isn't, so a cancellation...
  17. B

    Cancel Pandora And Refund Money Or Go Bankrupt And Be A Hermit.

    Ignoring the fact that you missed the point of Dunny's earlier post, the first 19 months weren't supposed to be "research and preparation", they were supposed to be production. It was supposed to be all prepped, and delivered Christmas 2008.
  18. B

    Still Believe In Craig & Ed Despite The Recent Revalations

    Sorry, but no. The mere nature of it being an increasing straight line makes it *linear* and not exponential. Some smart-ass is going to try to point out that a constant is also a straight line, and my response is going to be "sure, with a coefficient of zero". Exponentials aren't "wedges" (not...
  19. B

    What's happening today

    Nice side-step of the questions ... again.
  20. B

    What's happening today

    This. That's three four different interpretations of essentially the same numbers. It's really not so hard to be more precise. Because "starting to build" could be anything from the board population, to sticking hinges on cases to going all the way through to shipping. But it's never clear...