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    cool looking! and unique!!! can't wait to try it out!!
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    It Lives!

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    New Mame Port Project!!

    YAY!!!!!!! my main interest in the GP32 is having all these retro games handy!! now if someone would pickup on the 2600 emulator where it left off and finish it too! i would be REALLY happy! :P
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    Atari 2600 And M.a.m.e.

    will one of you awesome coders pick these projects and work on them please?? they need some attention. mega gratefull if someone did this!!! thanks!
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    Abandonned Games On Gp32

    that's a lot of friggen games..........
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    Handheld Sequencer/synth

    if you are interested in music made from Video Games please check out my albums. i use Nanoloop which is another GameBoy sequencer as well as MANY other video game systems/machines. my project is called ASTROGENIC HALLUCINAUTING. the albums are called: The Binary Noiz Series for more info...
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    GP32 is Anti-Drug??

    has anyone else seen the Anti-Drug commercial that has a GP32 in it? some kid gets busted for smoking pot and his mom(the Enforcer) grounds him from everything. at one point he is playing a GP32 and she takes it away from him. it's a quick shot but you see the top of the unit. the USB...
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    New 8080a emulator SIEmu-GP32!

    can somebody PLEASE tell me how to get this to work????? those single letter extensions are just a bad thing. i do not have an SMC card reader. any ideas please??????? i would REALLY like to FINALLY play Space Invaders with sound! i have the XCADE emulator and it's sorta ok but it has no...
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    Rlyeh Needs Your Help

    so glad to see this is happening!!!!!!!!! Gee Bee Namco 1978 - Space Attack Video Games GMBH 1978 - Space Invaders Midway 1978 - Space King Leijac (Konami) 1978 - Asteroids Atari 1979 - Astro Fighter Data East 1979 - Bomb Bee Namco 1979 - Lunar Lander Atari 1979 - Lunar Rescue -...
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    Camouflage and Super Plusha

    hey there.... what are you talking about? i am talking about a band named Camouflage that was around in the early 90's. they wrote a song called 'The Great Commandment" which is what somebody used for the background music of level 2. thanks for the tip but i already found that. the one i...
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    Camouflage and Super Plusha

    so who is the freak that used the only hit single by Camouflage - "The Great Commandment" for level two of Super Plusha? not that i was ever really a fan of their material but i hope they are paying the royalties.... that song can get really annoying after a while......... :P
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    Super Plusha SAVE??

    ahh.... the manual/readme file..... yeah i bought it from JoyGP. just ran off and started playing it. thanks!!!!!
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    Super Plusha SAVE??

    does anyone know how to save in Super Plusha? i finished level one and then i couldn't figure out how to save. the only choices i get are resume or return to main menu. but i see in the game menu at startup that there are many spaces to save the game. thanks for any help!
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    Castaway for Dummies.....

    hi! i need a step by step tutorial on how to get Castaway/GP running on my GP32. i followed the info from Codejedi and ran into problems. when i run the program it starts up just fine. when i try to load a game(Rainbow Island) it just crashes and re-boots the GP to the GP startup screen. i...
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    I live in the US, where can I order a GP32...

    bought my GP32-flu from and they were great. excellent service and you can check on your order status online very easily. no extra fees or duty.
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    GP32 VLM for the GP32

    now that would be just TOO cool if the Yak attacked the GP32!!!!!! a REAL head trip!!!!!!!!!
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    GP32 making noiz with a GP32????

    a player where i can make my own music. even if it's something simple like Nanoloop but something that uses all of the sound capabilities in the GP32 to make noiz. not just an emulator to run Gameboy things. something unique to the GP32.
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    GP32 making noiz with a GP32????

    is anyone working on a music program for the GP32? like a synth/sampler/sequencer thing? i would love to help out with ideas or suggestions. and would GLADLY beta test!
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    GP32 anyone needing any noiz.....

    hi! i am a Percussionist and composer. if anyone needs any music for a game..... i would love to contribute. more info at my site: thanks!
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    GP32 VLM for the GP32

    hi! would it be possible to create a Virtual Light Machine for the MP3 player? or maybe an MP3 player for the GP32 that has this as a feature? it would preserve the screen from burn in if you use the MP3 player a whole bunch. it would also be nice to be able to make the screen sleep if you are...