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  • Users: Sigma
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  1. Sigma

    Release [Rebirth Comp] PandaFE

    I think I use the latest version but perhaps not I have to look into that. I now can test your app and see if I can use/configure all the emulators.
  2. Sigma

    Release [Rebirth Comp] PandaFE

    Nuhrin I've traced the item that created the problem, I have a lot of Pnd files in the directory menu but "panplayer.pnd" is causing the crash, It a rather big pnd file but maybe the structure of the pnd file or PXML is causing this. maybe now you can trigger the crash on your pandora if you...
  3. Sigma

    Release [Rebirth Comp] PandaFE

    Thank you for the update, I'll move the files but there are a lot op them, Maybe just renaming the search path will be enough.. I hope then I can copy the pnd files from the renamed dir. to a new directory and maybe can find the cause of the problems, I have a lot of PXML files on it because I...
  4. Sigma

    Release [Rebirth Comp] PandaFE

    Can you post or send me a copy of the fresh appdata folder created just before the crash? will attach a tar file: Does pnd_cache file exist? No Try removing pnd_cache and all the files within Program/ and Platform/, then retry. If this works then perhaps there is a problem parsing one of the...
  5. Sigma

    Release [Rebirth Comp] PandaFE

    a reply on the problems I have: When I start Pandafe from my SD card it starts an crashes on the splash screen with the rebirth competion logo. I've delete the appdata directory but that didn't work. so then to see what happens when you start teh program I mounted the pnd file with the...
  6. Sigma

    Release [Rebirth Comp] PandaFE

    Found something interesting, when I run pandafe from: /pandora/apps (hf6 and hf7) or /usr/pandora/apps (superzaxxon) then it works, when I run it from my fat formated SDHC card /pandora/apps/ it won't run I don't know why I think it has something to do with security rights strange..
  7. Sigma

    Release [Rebirth Comp] PandaFE

    Pandafe does work with HF6 now but does not work with Superzaxon (latest beta) I do like the Frontend and think it great having 1 program for all the emu's. Did something myself with wahcade but it didn't work with pnd files so good this Frontend seems to be one we need. Keep on the work...
  8. Sigma

    A simple way to display an image in CLI mode ?

    I've compiled it with no problems using the c++ development tools 0.0.39 glad to hear You got another sollution no sorry I'm from the Netherlands
  9. Sigma

    A simple way to display an image in CLI mode ?

    you could use sdlsplash to show a pics for a few seconds, you can use i in your runscript, Ive tried it and works great. you need to compile te source files first. grtz sigma
  10. Sigma

    Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)

    well I'm not finished yet but wanted to know what to do when I'm finished. Thnx for you answer.
  11. Sigma

    Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)

    Small question? Does anyone know where I have to send/upload my entry to? could not find it maybe I missed it somewhere. grtz
  12. Sigma

    What's the current turn-around time for RMAs?

    Just to let's you know I've sended my pandora back (from the netherlands) 3 weeks ago en received it back this week :) Lucky me I think 3 weeks is pretty fast considering craig and his team is very busy. I would like to thank Craig / Jacquelyn and the other members for this quick response...
  13. Sigma

    Release Effigy (PEF) emulator Frontend

    found some new things: - firmware/hotfix 5 is missing tlc therfor the mklist.tlc does not work - can't get a game to run, when I try to run a game it tries to start but then return to the game selectscreen when I quit effigy I see the following errors in my terminal: ERR<3214>:elementary...
  14. Sigma

    Release Effigy (PEF) emulator Frontend

    Think I found why my emu pnd won't start (did't test it yet) but when I look at the p_snes: /usr/pandora/scripts/ -p /media/mmcblk?p?/pandora/*/snes9x4p_din.pnd -e ./ -b snes9x.skeezix.alpha -c 600 -a "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7" you use: "/media/mmcblk?p?/pandora" but I formated...
  15. Sigma

    Release Effigy (PEF) emulator Frontend

    i'm using the latest hotfix 5, I cannot enter the settings option is it disabled? (or still need to be implemented) none of my emu's work and that properly because the location of the emulator file is different from yours but can find a option to change the file location. grtz Jordi
  16. Sigma

    Release Effigy (PEF) emulator Frontend

    Nice frontend "Aimless E" but I'm had troubles getting it started pnd didn't work so I've manually mounted it and tried to start but received a message that was missing, I did a "opkg install libxss1" and that solved the problem can you enclose the libxss library in the PND. I'm...
  17. Sigma

    Cracks in the hinge.

    Seem to have the same problem with the hinge, I'm very careful with my pandora and suddenly there's a crack in the hinge. " esslan " did you fix the problem or did you send it back? I want to get it fixed because I don't think a crack should appear after 2 months. grtz jordi
  18. Sigma

    Release Wahcade Frontend (Beta1)

    Hi There, I would like to give the pandora community the Wahcade frontend for the pandora, I've modified the original wahcade frontend ( so It will work on the pandora would someone try the wahcade frontend on there pandora and give me some...
  19. Sigma

    SDcard / python permissions for wahcade frontend

    I hope someone can help me, I'm trying to get the wahcade frontend running as a pnd on my pandora but I'm running into a little problem with some permissions in the appdata dir on my SD card. the wahcade frontend exist of 3 apps: wahcade: the frontend itself wahcade-setup: for...