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  • Users: jasio
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  1. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 6 (Final Round) - Submit Scores Here

    I didn't get any time to play the last round, unfortunately. I really enjoyed playing this first season even though I generally had the lowest score. I discovered new games and played a couple of old favorites.
  2. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 5 - Submit Scores Here

    Once again my score is pathetic: Tetris DX 43453 Jasio I didn't get much time to play though (at least that's my excuse ;) ). I tried Root Beer Tapper but I didn't like it so I went back to good old Tetris.
  3. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 4 - Submit Scores Here

    Smash TV 333160 - Jasio I really don't like Golden Axe so I tried Smash TV. Thank you for making me discover this game. It's great fun. I just wish I had a Pandora to play it on. The Dingoo is just not good enough for this game (and many others). I had to scale the screen down to make it fit...
  4. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 3 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Mar 16 2011

    I didn't get any more time to play. So my ridiculously low score at NZS stands. :(
  5. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 3 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Mar 16 2011

    I'm struggling with New Zealand Story. I'm almost ashamed to post my score. But here goes: New Zealand Story Score: 87150 Jasio
  6. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 3 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Mar 16 2011

    I'm getting 7 FPS with Super Mario Kart on the Dingux. Besides the track we're competing on looks too difficult. So I'll be playing New Zealand Story, a game I tried to play on the Amiga when it came out. But I was really hopeless at it. After a few quick games I can say that it hasn't changed. ;)
  7. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 2 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Feb 28 2011 (Last

    I'm not improving at Parodius. I equaled my best score of exactly 80000 once and came pretty close a few more times. But I rarely get past the dancing girl and when I do I get killed by the eagle in American colours.
  8. J

    Rot Season 1 Round 2 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Feb 28 2011 (Last

    Game: Parodius Score: 99100 Jasio Score: 80000 Jasio My highest score is pretty low but I still have time to improve on it. That is if I can get past that crazy dancing girl. Edit: score update.
  9. J

    Too Quiet!

    I like the octopus too. :) I don't think the dancing girl can be killed. I managed to get past a couple of time. I've not mastered the timing and positioning to avoid her deadly high heels consistently. I'm playing on a Dingoo with its tiny d-pad.
  10. J

    Too Quiet!

    I don't expect to be anywhere near the top of the score board. I'm just not very good at most games. I tried Contra and lasted a few seconds. After a few tries I had a best score of 810! So I went back to Parodius. But I keep getting crushed to death by the giant dancer. I like the game though...
  11. J

    Rot Season 1 Game 1 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Feb 12 2011

    Game: Super Aleste Score: 601800 Score: 732440 I'm not very good at this. But my score has improved a lot in the last couple of days. This is good fun. Edit: slightly better score.
  12. J

    Wanted A Gp2X F200 In Box

    Are you still looking for an F200? I have one in perfect condition, with the box. Make me an offer if you are interested. Otherwise it is going to end up on eBay soon.
  13. J

    Did You Get Your Retail Wiz? Post About It Here!

    I ordered my Wiz almost 2 weeks ago from GBAX but they still don't have any in stock. Meanwhile the Pandora is still "Two Months Away". And most of my electronic gadgets have been stolen. Getting rather frustrated now. :-|
  14. J

    I Use My Gp2X In 2009 For ...

    I'm still using my GP2X even though I can't stand the AA batteries. I play a few free games (ruckage's mostly, I think) and some emulators from time to time. I installed gpsp just a few days ago and I'm discovering lots of interesting games I missed until now. I have a Pandora in pre-order but...
  15. J

    Open2x Dr7 For F100 And F200

    I'll give it a try tonight. Thanks.
  16. J

    Open2x Dr7 For F100 And F200

    Hi, I installed Open2x yesterday. I'm really impressed. It's just given a second life to my GP2X ( I wasn't using it much anymore). Unfortunately the 8GB SD card I have been using is not recognised anymore. It's a Kingston class 4 card. The 2GB Integral card that I borrowed from my camera...
  17. J

    Reordering Quirks

    I received the refund and sent money by bank transfer for the re-order. I haven't received any confirmation. Maybe I'm getting a Pandora, maybe not. :huh:
  18. J

    Gp2x-mo5 : A Thomson Mo5 Emulator For Gp2x V1.0.1

    The MO5 was my first computer. It must have been in 1984. I didn't have many games for the system but I remember those two: - Pulsar 2, a side scrolling shoot 'em up that was a lot of fun. - Lorann, a really nice puzzle action game. Thanks for the emulator. I will try it...