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  1. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Can I send it to you with an eMail? I don't like to upload it somewhere... I can try to explain those Gimp funktions as good as possible. It's nearly the same for each icon, so learning it once and using it for every icon. :) EDIT: Look my post above. I've made some progress.
  2. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Hey, this looks really promising for your first try. :) If you'd like, I can send you a cutted down .xcf of my icons, so you can see, how they are made. Or you can use the .psd by Thorax ( Okay, that's, what should be changed: - The big title...
  3. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Hi, Here's a list, with all the icons i've allready done, or allready included in the last version. Apps - Important * Arora Web Browser * Openhandhelds Repository Netsurf Web Browser / Mplayer Apps - Others Caanoo Controls CanTime * GMU Music Player Games - GPH (Quite important, I think)...
  4. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Hi DJRoby4, I apologize for replying so late, but I do not check the boards every day... I allready did some new icons, but as I mentioned some posts before I'm runnign short on time (writing some exams in the next few weeks). I'll try to make some more icons, at least the ones I need for my...
  5. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Hi mats, I'd really like to make an update for all those new Games and Apps. But I need to find time for doing this. Hope I can make progress soon. @darklight Those Icons are made Kirk Vomit and will be included in the next version of the pack.
  6. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Hi Kirk Vomit, These icons look awesome. :) May I include them in the current Archive (with credit of course)?
  7. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Happy news: It is in development, BUT due to limited time and my holidays it is slow, but I will release a new version when it's ready. @darklight Yep, their just .pngs. The icon is 52x52px large and the title-icon/bar/whatever 305x57 px large. Feel free to make your own icons. The more the...
  8. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    @Wild Rat I will look what I can do. Thanks for the nice list. :) @mats158 Icon for Mplayer is included ("GNU MPlayer"!), and the one for Ruck-Man I'll do then.
  9. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    I've already made an icon for Payback. And I'll do Quake II and a few new ones after my vacation. Feel free to suggesst icons you'd like to have. Sometimes I oversee the games or emu or I forget them. :rolleyes:
  10. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Thanks to yoshi and akabei. :) They pointed out that I've linked the wrong (old) version. This is the correct one:,0,0,0,50,752
  11. tryone

    Caanoo Icons und Toolbars

    Danke! Sorry, war mein Fehler... <_< :slap: Es gab bereits eine Version 1.4, nur dass diese von jemand anderem hochgeladen wurde. Dieser jemand ist nur leider nicht mehr aktiv, sodass ich ihn auch nicht Fragen konnte, ob er es vielleicht löschen könnte. Werde mal ED fragen, ob er das eventuell...
  12. tryone

    Caanoo Icons und Toolbars

    So, Im Englischen Board haben 'wir' fleißig weiter gearbeitet. ;) Daher für alle, die dort nicht regelmäßig vorbeischauen, hier mal das Update auf die version 1.8 des Caanoo Skin Packs: Was ist neu? - etwa 5 Icons für Games mit...
  13. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Yep, and I can tell you when... NOW! ;) It was a long time ago that I uploaded the Pack v1.8 and now here it is: The Caanoo Skin Pack v2.0 Caanoo Skin Pack v2.0:,0,0,0,50,752 CHANGELOG Titlebars in two new colors: grey-purple und white-purple...
  14. tryone

    Aussicht für klassische Emulatoren

    Neue icons? Guckst du hier:
  15. tryone

    Zitat des Tages

    Irgendwann mal gelesen bei den Bewertungen auf Produktvergleich. Ich habe mir da ein paar Bewerungen zu 5.1 Surround Boxen angeschaut. (*sinngemäß*)
  16. tryone

    How To Do / Make The Transition From 2D To 3D Game Programming

    Same here. I really love those homebrew games, even if ports are nice, but they aren't anything "special". :) And the 404 is because this are all links to the old OpenHandhelds.Org Archive ('') and not the new one (''). The cgi adress is still the same.
  17. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Thanks. :) Hi Yoshi, I made an icon for the brand new Pokemini: --- EDIT: ARRRRGGGG!!!111!!oneone! 'small' typo in the amiga one: ti was UEA4ALL, not UAE4ALL...
  18. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Thanks. It's actually v1.8. The '7' comes from the .7z (7zip) compression. ;) Ura Kaiten will then be included in the next version.
  19. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Okay, here's the one for GnGeo: There are already icons for the ones you mentioned (CAANOO-MSX, Wolf4SDL and Ura Kaiten Patissier), but I don't know if they already where in v1.8. EDIT: icon for Temper: EDIT 2: icon for UEA4ALL: ---
  20. tryone

    Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

    Hi, Some time ago I've already made an icon for DrSMS: I've added many other new icons, too. If you can wait a bit I'll make the two you'd like to include. And please credit the source of the icons (Caanoo Skin Pack) in the readme. :)