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  1. N


    Um - That doesn't really help in playing Sam n Max though! (And from what I've seen, the Snes emu works best on 157MHz) - I'd rather not fry my system, thanks all the same.
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    I've noticed that GPScumm has "vanished" - Apart from the recent download... I haven't visited the GP32 sites for a little while - What have I missed? :(
  3. N

    The GP32 community.. after the GP32?

    Count me in... Love the little bugger as if it was my own! (Hold on - It is!) :D Like most, I'll be getting the Zodiac, so (no doubt) "we" will still be in touch - But just in case, it's a very good idea.
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    Blaine in the Box

    So - Who thinks his stunt was a royal waste of time? <_< (Although I doubt "London" has minded the tourists!)
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    I hate being sick.

    Oh great - I knew I should have stayed away from the forums - NOW I know where I got it from! (Oh - BTW... Oww my throat!) <_< :)
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    SEGA fans, answer me this.

    Or Dr. Ivo Kintobor - Depending on if the glass is half full, or not!
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    I am in a prediciment.

    Don't get the flu - It makes you all giddy, and really exhausted - Not forgetting a bad headache, and a general ache all over... Lays you off work/school for a while and makes life a living hell for weeks on end! <_< Sorry - We are talking about the same thing, aren't we? :blink: --- Get...
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    How much SMC memory do i need?

    As much as you can afford!
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    GameCube, PS2 question

    And when they do translate, half the voices are STILL in Japanese anyway! (Makes you wonder, apart from the text, what took so long!)
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    Sam & Max

    Yes - You don't have the sound file - Until the Scumm program allows sounds to be changed to MP3, you won't get music - Nor will you get speech, only limited SFX... (SFX if you use the Floppy Disk version of the game, that is)
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    Natively-running raycasting 3D engine

    IT COULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD, BWHA HA HA HA. :unsure: (Sorry - Scumm moment!)
  12. N

    English GP32 games!

    Correction - It's now November and the only thing I've heard about this unit is the very limited reviews in the backwards (Obscure) gaming hardware magazines... Oh, and actually using the blasted thing... Good job I (Like everyone else) imported it, otherwise I'd have never gotten it. (Much...
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    This may be a N-Gage killer, and maybe even a GBA killer, but not a GP32 Killer - Why? 1) It's a lot more expensive! 2) It's a LOT more expensive!!! and 3) User-created programs... Look at the palm programs available and find the freebies - Yup, naff all! You have to pay... Thus, I...
  14. N

    Rise of the Triad!

    May I be the first to say - Bloody nora, that was quick! :) Why is it that these things are released when I don't bring my blasted GP32 into work? Huh, please tell me that? :angry: As for the game files - I suppose it's a good thing I horde all the games I ever had - Why, I don't know -...
  15. N

    Rise of the Triad

    ROTT has auto-aim, so looking up and down won't be a problem... And it is a "true" 3D game where you can go under an object which can be stood on, unlike the other games that came out that were basically the whole area extruded from the ground up. (Although Duke3D overcame this, rather well...
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    problems with dvd to gp32

    If I remember correctly, you cannot rip LOTR either - I think the problems are due to the length of the film!? Maybe if you could encode it into two parts, it might work?
  17. N

    Emulators need to be created at stock GP32 Speeds

    Let's clear this up once and for all, shall we? Unless a program can run at 133Mhz, then there is no point. Not everyone can run their GP32 higher than the "safe" 132/133Mhz speed, and to have to overclock the unit just to run a program is ludicrous! If someone releases a program and states...
  18. N

    GOD does this look dorky.

    Has anyone here played Police 24/7 in the arcades? (If not, you're missing out on a truely "interactive" game!!!) Well - If you have, then it's out for the PS2 - 'Nuff zed! Oh - And yes, I like the eye-toy. At the moment it's a gimmick, but the possibilites are out there to make it something...
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    gp Rise of the triads

    JOHN WOO (HOO!) :lol: Looking at game now, on a 19" minotaur (You heard right, no bull! - Um!?!), the game is soooo blocky that it's just awful, godammit! But playing it on the GP32 would be, in a word, SWEET! B) (Okay - Must remember to lay off Southpark for a while! - And take the...
  20. N

    Mp3 on GP32

    Before I bother to download this, does it play files "A" and "B" like the original did, or does it use a play-list like the MP3 players now?