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  1. T

    Mame4all 1.3, 4.1.0 Firmware, Clrmamepro -> Still Black Screens

    Yeah, if 4.0.2 is still displayed on boot-up I suspect the firmware update wasn't complete. I'd try it again. I haven't seen anything of 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 updates doing anything nasty to the system (where it shipped with 4.0.2) ..make sure you do hold select+home when booting for the update. If...
  2. T

    Mame4all 1.3, 4.1.0 Firmware, Clrmamepro -> Still Black Screens

    I got a GP2x with firmware 4.0.2 and was having the same problems you guys describe: black screen immediately when starting MAME4All, MAMEGP2x, Vice, Payback (demo and retail), and some others.. (and yes, Frodo worked for me too on 4.0.2) After updating to the 4.1.0 firmware those problems...
  3. T

    Payback Full Version Won't Work?

    Yeah, I did the Start+Select thing when updating it too .. make sure with firmware updates that you read the update instructions carefully, coz (generally) if a firmware update is done wrong (wrong firmware or incomplete update) it is possible to brick a device. .. afterwards it will show 4.1.0...
  4. T

    Touch Screen On My F200

  5. T

    Payback Full Version Won't Work?

    I've got the full version of Payback (and the demo) .. I too have a new GP2x that's firmware 4.0.2. It's the firmware that's the problem. Update it to 4.1.0 and it will all work fine. Yeah, it is fun. Perfect GTA clone. When I first got my GP2x I couldn't get MAME4All, MAMEGP2x, Payback...
  6. T

    Firmware It The Latest Firmware?

    Yeah, you definitely needed the 4.1.0 update to get either Mame4All or MameGP2x working. The AtariST, Amiga and Commodore (VICE) emulators needed it too, and Payback, as kneehighspy mentioned (Basically all the good stuff.) :D ..I'm using MameGP2x with the FeMAME frontend (I like my preview...
  7. T

    Firmware 4.1.0 For F200 And F100 Is Out

    Yeah, looks like the new F200[b]'s have a different LCD screen that report stylus positions differently or something. The OS has, of course, been updated to handle this, but either homebrew apps are going to have to be tweaked to handle the new LCD's or the firmware will have to be updated...
  8. T

    Touch Screen X-y Swapped?

    No, it wasn't 4.1.0 .. it was doing this in 4.0.2 (which is how it shipped from From what I've been reading it's all due to the new LCD unit in the F200[b] models. ..and, now that I've stopped panicking and done more thorough troubleshooting, I realise the touchscreen itself...
  9. T

    Warning! Regarding Fw 4.0.2

    I just did the update (new F200[b], shipped with 4.0.2), and now everything is working on 4.1.0 (MAME, Vice, Super Maryo Chronicles, Payback (demo+full), etc.) Very pleased with the unit now. It should solve all your black-screen problems with apps. ..don't know of any way to back up the...
  10. T

    Touch Screen X-y Swapped?

    So I've got myself a nice new GP2x F200[b] unit. It came shipped with 4.0.2 (which was an issue in itself, but now is on 4.1.0) now I can actually callibrate the touch-screen in english, I know for sure it's not working right. It calibrates fine, and even moves the pointer perfectly on...
  11. T

    Firmware 4.1.0 For F200 And F100 Is Out

    So are people actually able to download the update? The links seem to be broken (SQL error) and going straight to the site and hunting it down doesn't seem to work either. :| ..still waiting for it to appear on I'm just dying to get MAME, Payback, and Vice working...
  12. T

    Firmware It The Latest Firmware?

    Um, where did you get firmware 4.1.0 from? I can't see it on Can't see any announcement on either. ..Is there somewhere special I should be looking for firmware updates? I miss MAME. :| Also, is the touchscreen callibration in English now? (My Korean isn't so...
  13. T

    Firmware It The Latest Firmware?

    I just got a GP2x too. Same 4.0.2 firmware. I can't get MAME to work either. Tried Mame4all and MameGP2x ..neither work. Black screen. Even tried the FeMAME frontend which works, but black screen again when it launches MameGP2x. <sigh> Of all the emulators not to work, eh? Can't get Vice to...