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  • Users: stepp
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  1. S

    Is Everything On Track For Early April Production?

    I sense a bit of dispair in EDs post, something is wrong hardware side i reckon, if thats the case i dont even want to guess how long before they revise and change the boards, 6 months? Nothing seems to go right for this project.
  2. S post at the bottom sums it up for me really.
  3. S

    At Least I'm Not Dead. (official Blog Update)

    @ craigx where are the two videos that you said were on their way? Thanks
  4. S

    Reordering Deadline

    well ive been point blank told there is no re order credit card link. The will make me a priority in 2-4 months time. Now thats customer service! Cheers pandora team!
  5. S

    Reordering Update

    No brainer really, lack of information of when the product is likely to ship, lack of updates, just basic lack of communication from the devs to the poeple buying the machine. This has caused people to take the safe route and want to use a credit card.
  6. S


    so what happens now then? do i lose my pre order? not happy........ :(
  7. S

    Worth Getting

    No dont..psx emualtion is A boring, B pointless and C will never run as fast a normal PSX. Hense i dont know why the fuck anyone would get any pleasure out of seeing a game run at 10 fps. The 2x is good for one thing MEGADRIVE.....everyhting else is shit. Oh and did i mention that the...
  8. S

    Need A Guide To Stripping The Gp2x Apart

    Cause i think its a pile of cheap shit
  9. S

    Need A Guide To Stripping The Gp2x Apart

    Any guides on how to take the 2x apart? Under my screen protector i have a few very very small bits of dust and crap. I need to get rid of this as im sellling mine on ebay asap. If anyone knows of any guides could they post the link here...cheers.
  10. S

    Greetings Corrupt Homebrew Scene

    i eat poo
  11. S

    Just Got A New Game
  12. S

    Is It Time

    I didnt mean to start anythig when i started this topic. I mearly stated that the DS IMO is much better than the DS. I have owned the 2x since it camme out and TBh apart from the megadrive emulator there isnt much else on it that i can show my friends and they are immpressed. As for the person...
  13. S

    Gp2x Dead?

    Ive had my 2x for a while now and apart from the megadrive emualtor ( which gets boring after 20 mins of playing games for about 10 secs each ) theres nothing it does that is any good. The build quaility is a joke, the joystick, well what can i say, ive never seen such a crappy joystick in 20...
  14. S

    Got My Ds Lite!

    Wow this machine pisses on the gp2x from a great hight. I got a mini supercard and with about 28 games on it and im loving it. The machine is well built, small, the screens are amazing and the joypad is heaven compared to the gp2x piece of shite. Look out for me selling my 2x in the market...
  15. S

    Replacement Caps Now Available

    Think ill stick with DavCs cap....i think this one looks cheap and nasty IMO, and TBH i think they should of supllied these free of charge to make up for the completely crap design of the original one, but no they want to charge us even more.
  16. S

    Drmdx And Fwv2.0

    Anyone tried the beta version yet....i dont seem to be able to get any games going at all........anyone else got this problem? gets to the flickering etc.....then select a rom but i just get a black screen Thanks
  17. S

    Firmware 2.0

    Cheers mate...the start and select is working i think :) again thanks
  18. S

    Firmware 2.0

    mines ding the gona turn it off then on....... EDIT...nope still the same, mine hangs on the green screen Can someone confirm how long this update takes? Mines been on the green screen for about 5 mins now.
  19. S

    New Gp2x Site

    nice...i like it
  20. S

    Any Good Rpg Playable On The Gp2x

    sell your gp2x, buy a xbox 360 and get RPG game ever created.