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    Psp Slim Released

  2. D

    Play Us Games On A Uk N64?

    Not sure if you mean you never heard of Chinatown or a store that sells Super Famicom and Neo Geo games in Chinatown because really almost all of the little game shops in there have both. I got 20 years in NYC and have been going to Chinatown every now and then. It was pretty close to the World...
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    Play Us Games On A Uk N64?

    Yeah I use to love those super famicom DBZ games. Remember getting them from Chinatown in Manhattan, also where I bought most of my Neo Geo collection at. I took a simpler approach to removing the plastic tabs on my SNES than what you did though. All I did was rip them off with plyers. It only...
  4. D Closes Down

    Allot of those downgraders were recent. Before all those downgraders Lik-Sang had adverts on their site PSP 1.5 NEW! Thats not done discreetly, its done stupid. Any company would put a stop to that when its in your face, but the biggest thing though. They didn't get, or even ask permission from...
  5. D Closes Down

    Its a very well known fact they sell, and advertise 1.5 psp's, and many other modifications for other systems giving them the ability to play, and run pirated software. Which Sony, and everyone else knows. Kinda hard not to do nothing about it when its in your face. It may be true piracy may...
  6. D Closes Down

    There are other online gp2x retailers around. No one has to rely on shady Lik-Sang. Sony has every right to control the ability to who, and where they distribute their products to, and to ensure nothing illegal would be done with them as in the ability of playing pirated games. Not you, or I, or...
  7. D Closes Down

    You can't make everyone think the way you want them to. The majority of people like Sony. If they didn't it wouldn't be as big as it is today. Lik-Sang is no loss. The fighting the corporate monster thing has always be an extremist way of thinking, and are amongst a small percentage of people...
  8. D Closes Down

    Many gamers are addicts. Its safe to say the boycott will fail, and is indeed silly. Sony is like that hot girlfriend that treats you like shit, but never will dump no matter how many times you tell your friends you will.
  9. D Closes Down

    Every Mom and Pop shop has there own import section. This is no loss. Lik-Sang was a greedy little business trying to monopolize on import, and illegal merchandise. They had this coming from the very beginning. Lets all hope play-asia is next. Sony I support your war of terror. :P Boohoo cry...
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    Quick Question

    EvilDragon had it up on the front page a couple days back with some Neo Geo screenshots. It was a M.A.M.E emulator but it played some Neo Geo mvs games. I have no gp2x to test so I dont know how well the Neo Geo games actually played out.
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    Help Cure Cancer

    Cool thanks for the info. I just got it up and running on my laptop. :P
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    Help Cure Cancer So what do you people think about this?
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    Quick Question

    There are allot of first generation Neo Geo games that are 25mbs, and under. Cd is the best bet, but the coolness factor that it can even do some aes is worth looking into. How well is the gp2x doing Neo Geo? I seen like a couple days back that it can actually play some mvs/aes games now.
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    Was There A Pope Joan?

    I seen that too, and I call bullshit. If not it makes Catholics look really loose, especialy that chair.
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    Quick Question

    Does the Dreamcast have a working mvs/aes Neo Geo emulator?
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    Easy Overclocking

    Damn that sucks. Not a big fan of the gp or anything, but I do feel your pain. Going from a FLU to a NLU has to hurt. If you're really into your gp definately solder that bitch up it should'nt be that hard.
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    What Fanboy Are You

    Yes fanboys are retarded. Its funny how they can't take the truth like how the Gp32, and Gp2x are both obscure shitty handhelds that have no place in any market to succeed within the current available handhelds. Its kinda cool as a collector's item, but not really. :( P.S: If the statement...
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    Which Goity Should Go Emo

    Like I Said You Have The Preception of an Autistic. Once again you've took what I've said, and put it out of context. How old a boy are you? See if I did'nt put the word "ALL" infront of Europeans common sense will tell you im just going by majority here. Im not also basing my opinions around...
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    Post Your Handheld Collections!!

    Forgot all about my game&watches especially my funky dual screen Zelda one, and also forgot to mention the pocketstation as part of my collection. That about covers all the shit I have.