Search results

  1. T

    Suggestion For A Sticky For Noobies

    It doesn't work at all for me. I don't know what it's for. As I noob, I am supposing that the USB cable is for accessing the onboard filesystem. Certainly my PC won't see the system over the USB cable. Luckily, my notebook has a nice, brisk SD card reader. But I imagine that if I were relying...
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    Gp2x Cramfs Fastload - How To Flash?

    I was a clueless noob trying to do this last weekend and I got a lot of assistance from the lovely people on the boards. I think it would help if you told us what flavour of SD card you are using. Anyway, in case it helps, below is how I did it, written in noob (my native language). Note that...
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    While you may be gramatically correct, this is often how it is used. For example, one could (in England) describe this thread as a complete wank.
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    GP2X A Drum Machine On Gp2x...

    Nips :( Still gonna play with it, though. We shall be watching you very closely.
  5. T

    GP2X A Drum Machine On Gp2x...

    Oh you beauty! It was only a day ago that I was thinking to myself, I wish there was music creating software for the GP2x. I used to absolutely live on ModTracker back in the day, and subsequently FastTracker. I cannot wait to give this a go! Damn, is it home time yet? Hurry up, clock!
  6. T

    Audio Out Of Sync In Video

    While the GP2x is capable of playing that video, it's way overkill for a portable device. I suggest you transcode it down - resize it to 320x240, and use a DivX profile that's suited to a portable device. You shouldn't need to use more than 150-200kbps to get a good result. A knock-on effect of...
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    Audio Out Of Sync In Video

    Out of interest, tell us about the videos themselves. Did you make them yourself? What size are they? By size, I mean pixels eg 320x240. And at what bitrate are they encoded? And if all that is too technical, just pick an example file that's losing sync and tell us 1) how long the movie is...
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    Cramfs For Noobs

    Whoopeeeeeeee! it worked. Damn, that's brisk. Many thanks to all involved.
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    Cramfs For Noobs

    Ahhhh. I see. Thanks, I'll try that once my batteries have charged up.
  10. T


    Sounds like you might have a faulty set of headphones. From your description, the beating sounds more like what you should be hearing.
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    Cramfs For Noobs

    I have a CramFS query that I haven't managed to resolve by either searching the boards or reading the install instructions. Now, I use a fair amount of Linux in my home so I'm not a complete eejit, but step 4 says, "open a terminal on your GP2x". How would I do that, exactly? I mean, I know...
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    Has The Board Been H4xx0red?

    Ah, well, that's alright then.
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    Has The Board Been H4xx0red?

    Has anyone else noticed this? If I type in, I get routed to a notice saying that is for sale, with a dodgy search engine. But if I go through the FORUM link on, I come here, where the url is What gives?
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    Screen Protectors

    Mine is about 1mm too small along the top and bottom, and 2mm around the sides. It's true that covers the display area of the screen, but it leaves the edges vulnerable to scratching - which kind of nullifies the point of a screen protector. I bought a generic kit for a PDA instead, and cut it...
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    I used to produce CDs of this stuff for a meditation company. Typically you won't get any benefit from it unless you're prepared to spend at least 40-70 minutes at a time, in complete relaxation. So using it while doing something else, for example while riding the tube, is pointless because your...
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    Screen Protectors

    I ordered a new screen protector for my GP2x, from Lik Sang. On the surface it looks right - it's in official GP2x packaging. But it's too small to cover the screen. I am notably annoyed because it will cost as much to ship it back as the refund is worth. Has anyone else experienced this? Can...
  17. T

    Am I The Only One Without A Power Adapter?

    Me too. I have 4x2500 NiMH that I got at Maplin for a tenner. Depending on usage, a set of two lasts anywhere between four and seven hours. Unlikely to get an official adapter as I really have to stop buying accessories for this damn thing now. She's been spoiled enough. She got a new screen...
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    I use parts of the Gordian Knot pack. It's not a point 'n click process, but it yields excellent results. 1. I use DVD-Decryptor to get stuff onto the hard disk. 2. I use DGMPGDec to split the audio out and prepare the video. 3. I process the audio to an ogg file: 90kb/s@33kHz. Because of how...
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    I Want To Downgrade My Video Player

    I have a related query. I acquired my Gp2x secondhand (hooray for ebay) and updated it to 1.4FW almost immeditately - it arrived with 1.01. Now, the PDF manual I downloaded indicates you can scale CPU useage during video playback, but I don't see how - there doesn't appear to be the option to...
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    Help - Restoring The Default Theme

    Oh you beauty! That worked like a charm. Thank you. Your kung fu is very strong.